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About genitalgrinder

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  1. Why talk as if newcomers are guaranteed to be overwhelmed or led astray should they use texture packs at an early point in their mapping? It isn't going to fuck up somebody's developmental cycle, it's borderline insulting to hear. It is not hard or demanding in any way, shape or form thrifting through OTEX just to find one of the fifty new brick and metal beam textures, just tedious. I encourage new players to try out and experiment with as many texture packs as possible. A painter should not be afraid of their palette, especially while learning the foundations of an art and expression. Get used to it earlier rather than later, especially since it is not hard. Diatribe aside, this thread I'm going to link has a bunch of awesome resources to rifle through, and has left me entertained for hours. I personally recommend jimmytex, UDET, UAC ultra textures and OTEX.
  2. Until recently, my bad habit was trying to continue mapping while having no current ideas for the map in question. If it didn't end with me frustrated, it ended with frustration and tacked on garbage. It used to be demotivating enough to make me want to avoid editing the map altogether so as to not have to undo whatever sabotage was last added. Nowadays I take self doubt as a sign to immediately exit UDB, and am unafraid to undo any work on a map if I just don't like it, even if it means "more work" or "lost time." It has made mapping much more enjoyable
  3. Yeah, vanilla is a very broad term. To avoid miscommunication and confusion, map authors tend to clarify in their post which source ports their works are designed/intended for. Since you described your megawad as vanilla, I interpreted that as meaning stock Doom 2. There's a pinned thread on this sub-forum full of helpful advice, I highly recommend it.
  4. Dead Simple, boring and symmetrical layout with barely any enemies. You have a higher chance of killing yourself with rockets on Entryway than you do dying on Dead Simple. The only redeeming aspect of Dead Simple are the four landmines invisibility spheres. It teaches new players to never pick up landmines invisibility spheres in projectile-heavy maps. (Unofficially, it has also given me severe MAP07 PTSD whenever I play megawads)
  5. I had the same issue with DSDA on complevel 2. It left me puzzled, since the description explicitly says vanilla. complevel 9 (BOOM) got it working though. RIP to my FDA of MAP02.
  6. Hilde and Taki from Soulcalibur, Zoey from Left 4 Dead, and Jill from Resident Evil.
  7. Your image is of an MP5. It's referred to as the D5K in Goldeneye. The AR-33 in Goldeneye is an M16A2. https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/GoldenEye_007#Heckler_.26_Koch_MP5K
  8. FDA or not, thanks for the feedback. I wanted to avoid plain, wall-humping secrets, but now I think I understand the sheer amount of darkness makes wall-humping the only reliable choice for chancing upon them here. It's something I'll have to be more conscious of in the future.
  9. Yes, you really would collect snow, as both are valid methods of collecting water. It comes down to your geography. In fact, fresh snow is often (but not always) safer to consume than untreated, frozen water. A phenomenon called "snowmelt runoff" happens in high places such as mountains, the snow will eventually melt, and the water runs down to reservoirs, wells, and other collection sites for our use. To my knowledge, this is a significant source of water along much of the western North American coast, as high as Alaska.
  10. No, and anybody who broadly labels it as bad is likely massively entitled. If you're upset about not being able to have everything, you should play the Dead Money DLC for Fallout: New Vegas to hopefully learn a lesson. I believe having the very ability to lock players out of areas is a welcome option for a mapper to have, and can add a fresh challenge. From a pure gameplay perspective, the main incentive you have to find as many secrets as possible is to simply help you win against the game. Your reward for finding secrets is whatever the secrets give you. Getting 100% secrets does not give you any added reward beyond the secrets themselves. "100%-ers" though, what they do is going out of the way for superficial, self-serving bragging rights, whether that's to prove some arbitrary challenge to themselves, or to others. I challenge 100%-ers to open their minds and acknowledge not everybody agrees with, or cares to kowtow to, their ideology. If you're melodramatic enough to make a fuss about not being able to find every secret, I'd then challenge you to open a map editor, replay the map, and/or route. If you don't do anything about the "problem," then not only am I going to consider you massively entitled, I'm going to hold you in contempt for complaining about something that you have the agency to readily fix.
  11. Yeah, my username is a Carcass reference. I'm glad it was noticed within two posts of being here.

  12. I personally love snow and the north, and prefer it over summer. I'm biased as a redhead, though. If you live in a location that receives a lot of annual snowfall, then odds are your municipality has the means to adequately address winter weather and make it less of a boon for day-to-day activities. Plus, it's an essential function of nature that gives some of us around the world a vital supply of water, both of which are being increasingly threatened by climate change. At the same time, I'm realistic, and acknowledge that it's pretty much only ever been an obstacle for us, which creates a lot of terrible public hazards, and triggers seasonal depression for a lot of people.
  13. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9jsbn678hp4u62e/AZAROTH.wad/file Hi Doomworld. I'm looking for opinions and any criticism on my first ever map. It's not very lengthy (only 2 keys,) and shouldn't be a challenge. For clarity, it replaces MAP01, requires Doom 2, and was made in Ultimate Doom Builder, using the Boom format. Despite that, I didn't use any Boom features. The map was successfully playtested using dsda-doom and Crispy Doom. If you're unsure, use dsda-doom. I hope you enjoy playing. I look forward to your thoughts. Story The UAC has tasked Doomguy to investigate an abandoned temple after detecting anomalous, demonic activity at an on-site computer. What awaits him is one of the last few Arch-Viles on Earth, taking refuge and attempting to revive baddies to attempt another takeover of your home world.
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