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  1. Nice map, played it on keyboard only and doom.exe cause why not. Not sure if it was because of the keyboard but it felt almost too hard for a first map of an episode. Otherwise really nice detailing and flow to the map, had fun.
  2. Got around to finishing it today, about an hour of playtime. I really liked the atmosphere. just like @CravenCoyote I just finished working on something similar, so it was nice seeing another take on it. Great texture use and detailing, reminiscent of Espi's style. Didn't care that much for the weapon sounds and there was little distinction between most of the rifles. I didn't play the latest update but on the original one backtracking was on the brutal side and there wasn't necessarily a clear flow after obtaining new keys for example. Overall a good experience that stands out.
  3. Finally got around to playing and finishing it, so many great moments and set pieces, well done!
  4. Nice structure, good texture use and design, and secrets (were tough for me!) I agree with all the feedback above, and I would add that it needs a bit more of gameplay I think, 2/3 more encounters or so. pretty good work!
  5. Fun little remake, enjoyed running through it. Some feedback: playtest some more. The hellknight in the last room couldn't chase me outside the room, door was too small the first secret to the outside didn't function well on repeat attempts I really like how you set up the dead marine with the rocket outside There is probably a better way to set up the wad in terms of textures and not bundling 70mega of otex textures with the zip
  6. I don't know what you mean by "amateurish" it was really good! Even though I wasn't able to complete it (will for sure go back) I thought the maps were excellent. Good flow for levels, clear what to do Amazing midi selection (though the Castlevania midi doesn't loop) Good amount of challenge with health and ammo spread out nicely Interesting combat and various scenarios (awesome section with the teleporting hellknight) I will definitely play this new WAD you are working on, and will do my best to finish this. Great work.
  7. Some nice mapping, and as stated above a lot of "door problem" gameplay. Starting a level surrounded by 20 enemies is always interesting :D
  8. I enjoyed it, trap heavy (by the end of it I was ready for every switch to f me over :D) Some feedback from playing (on cripsy doom HMP) the secret room was opened by a monster (not sure if intended) Some of the monsters ambushes were a bit spammy just dropping all at once, and also it seemed to have caused the little guys to get stuck. I found it too heavy for HMP The walk way in the big hall before the big fight I kept getting blocked because of the monsters in the notches (Z block monsters) Enjoyed the custom MIDI and graphics, and great use of lightning.
  9. Thanks! @IamtheLaw (LAWWWWW!) About that texture, I am really not your how to fill it up, it's a middle texture and it was meant to act like a wall plant so I was just fine with it in the end being that way. If you know how to fix it, let me know! Much appreciated @Proxy-MIDI, I spent all of time playing doom for the past 3 months and researched a lot of level design related stuff in recent times, so this comment means a lot to me. I think I might take a stab at a 5 map mini episode next!
  10. Oh ok, I thought this was regarding the pattern near the Supercharge. 100% agree regarding that. I only started no freelook testing after this was set down and regretted it :P
  11. Thanks @LadyMistDragon really happy to see you using Crispy Doom and I like the custom face you are using. Really appreciate your feedback and recording, can I ask what you meant "It never feels good to play blind like that" ? @Delisk That looks insane, really looks fun. It seems like those mods made it WAY harder than it's supposed to be and perhaps they broke some of the monster closets (I saw some weird changed to the geometry in the map) those pinkies are not supposed to trigger only after the blue key pick up. Thanks for the recording and playing! @ElPadrecitoCholo cheers mate! glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the recording. I really like our office and it's a weird building so it was great to implement it in doom with all it's quirks. We call the upstairs room the "living room" so I changed it to the "dying room" :P Cheers @PasokonDeacon ill try and watch the demo when I get home later (will be a first in doom for me). I'm actually playing through TNT for the first time at the moment so I can see why you would say that. Stone Wall discrepancies - Ill have a look at those, thanks. Weirdly shaped bookcase sectors - Yeah, that part ended up being a bit weird I agree. I guess it comes down to being strict on the grid a bit more in the future. Thing placement - can you specify? if it's just a general thing, thanks ill review what I can do better. Glad you liked the silly carpet :D I probably tried to hard to make it close to what we actually have there. Thanks for playing everyone, I can't stress enough how much I appreciate it and how valuable the recordings are as a playtesting and learning tool.
  12. Thank you for playing Baron. I did go overboard with the yellow there one of the playtesters (not really a doom player, which was my audience) said he got lost a bit so I wanted to make sure the key-door relationships were clear. Ill check the door tracks, thanks for the tip.
  13. Heya folks! honoring the long tradition of first maps being your home/school/office I recreated the office I work at as a fully playable level. I tried to use this project to learn as many mapping mechanics as possible (teleporting closets/triggers/switches/secrets). There are some weird elements that are there as a inside joke for my co-workers (weird carpet designs, way too long staircases) but otherwise the only unconventional part is where the exit is placed I tried to keep it vanilla as possible and really fell in love with crispy doom in the process so I made sure it works well with it. Really happy with the results but most importantly I want some feedback from the experts in this forum as I want to improve, so lay it on me. DOOM2 Format / Should work with any limit removing port SINGPLAYER only IWAD - DOOM2 FREELOOK - why not JUMPING/CROUCHING - not accounted for! DIFFICULTY LEVELS - all 3 Tested with - PRBoom/GZDoom/CrispyDoom/Zandronum/DSDA Does not work with - Chocolate Doom Just another Wednesday on IDGAMES
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