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About Bendy1

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  1. Here is the first (early) version of the Map 24 (Doom 2) + E1M3 map. The Destroyed Refinery What this includes -Full level -UV Max possible -Coop and Deathmatch starts + Deathmatch weapons What this does not include -Correct Sky texture -Difficulty settings other than UV and NM Feel free to critique certain aspects as well as the difficulty weather it be too easy or too hard.
  2. There is a linedef in-between the map 32 and map 24 cross area that allows you to close a non existent door (which obviously has no upper texture and triggers the hall of mirrors effect) Flipping this line should fix the problem.
  3. There are a few bugs. Grosse's door that you shouldn't be able to close has missing textures. Catacombs can get you softlocked if you fall into the pit with the Baron. A health bonus in courtyard is too high to reach. In map 28, you can pick up the megasphere through the wall.
  4. Here is the updated version of Tricks and Traps. Map 8: 1024 project It will need to be a corner (probably top right) Fixed all mentioned issues.
  5. After reading previous messages I understand know that the connection need to be in the center, I will fix this soon.
  6. I build a rough sketch of a map I want (on paper or on the map editor) Add enemies Add bonus features and secrets Make sure map is balanced + difficulty settings Decoration last - I always found gameplay > detail is more enjoyable
  7. Satanic Overhall.wad This is the new version of Satanic Overhall with different level progression. All multiplayer and difficulty settings set along with being UV maxable. Hope this works out for the best.
  8. I have had an issue while making new Ultimate doom builder maps. When I want to put the WAD into crispy doom, it always says "P_LoadSectors: No sectors in map!" This happens until I make an edit in UDB, then crispy doom works as normal, any way to fix this? This does not happen in source ports such as GZdoom.
  9. Nice map improvement. The few changes especially with the cyberdemon room were done well. My only small problem is with the rocket launcher area with the shooting on the switch, but is made obvious on what you have to do, and that you can open the trap without grabbing the launcher or raising the platform. Good and simple second map with enough items and ammo to get through comfortably.
  10. Satanic Overhall Experiment I don't want to make this the final version if this idea isn't as good as I thought it was. Moved many attributes of the map. Posted to see if this is a good way to rearrange the map.
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