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About ivymagnapinna

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    Green Marine

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  1. Flamey? Scorchy? they're simple and kinda silly but then again so is the name "Pinky"...
  2. Sunlust map26, specifically the final fight which I repeatedly beat my head against til it got concussed. It's actually kind of incredible how inevitably you get swarmed and beaten to death there if you didn't save enough cells, which I did not. Somehow got past it using mostly rockets and doing so felt like breaking through my skill ceiling.
  3. I love this map! I'm a huge fan of intentional, focused texturing and you did a great job of that here, and there's some insanely good lighting and geometry to match. (I especially love the floor patterns and how the switches are labelled.) I'd say you're in the same league as your inspiration when it comes to usage of stock Doom 2 assets. Combat and layout is solid too, having to juggle AV sightlines with big walls of enemies you're ill-equipped to kill was fun and also reminds me of how lunchlunch does things. Overall really great work for a first published map. Excited to see what you'll make in the future and happy belated birthday!
  4. Thank you! I love TEKWALL4 and BRICK10 so much I had to use em twice with different colors lol
  5. Worked out 3 texture palettes for a 10x10 project-style mapset i intend to make eventually. Mostly stock with some 32in24-15-tex stuff for a little extra freedom (including the many "essential" textures.)
  6. I'm still a bit of a developing mapper, but there's a few things I've established that I really like/want to to put in my maps (now that I've seriously worked on a Doom 2 set I intend to release) and see in other maps: - Very focused visuals, like having a texture palette that only uses like one or two main colours and makes most of the level look muted (rock, bricks, metal, etc) with bright highlights (lights, liquids, sky, etc) to tie it together - Fights that get a lot out of small spaces or enemy counts, and in general are kinda "stylized" and maybe need some figuring out instead of just being able to run-n-gun your way through everything - Reusing spaces for multiple fights, like having new things with monsters in them open up in places you were before as things progress - Being able to kinda climb all over a level to explore it, as in, if you think you could jump to somewhere you probably can - Optional content that rewards going out of your way to find it (like, being allowed to do a fight the "hard way" right away but able to better equip yourself for it and do it the "easy way" if you explore a bit, so you can put more thought into routing like that) - Levels that don't feel super lengthy - Levels that feel good to just exist in when the action's died down - I find myself using turret/pillar enemies pretty often - Green slime. Pipedark also
  7. Really good map! I like how it encourages you to be a bit methodical especially at the start and the combination of cramped slaughter and lots of recovery items plays out very nicely. Also super clean and pretty for the limitation it's in.
  8. Seems like a cool project, sign me up for an unspecified map slot. (I'm thinking 10-20 would be preferable but I can be moved around based on what others pick.)
  9. This wad's on idgames now!!! Download link has been updated.
  10. Crumpets map03 has just 36-37 monsters depending on the skill level, on top of being very physically small, but it really stuck in my memory I think because of that. Very compact and tightly built.
  11. This is an incredible mapset! I can't get over how clean and smooth almost everything about these maps feel - the geometry, texturing, pacing of the fights, palette, music, all of it. Some seriously clever premises for some of these fights too, the forced rocket usage in situations where you'd love not to in Phobia probably stuck out to me the most. I've really got to play more of your work now.
  12. started on a set of somewhat short and tough maps I'm calling Stone Flower. 01-03 of likely 5, they're pretty green and brown.
  13. Damn, this set burned me badly. I didn't have it in me to beat either of Mocha's maps on my initial playthrough, MAP02 made me bring the difficulty down to HNTR real quick and its second fight still made me throw in the towel, it'd be arrogant to call it impossible but I still can't fathom how what I saw of that map on UV is at all beatable lol. (Keep in mind that I am an easily frustrated person and the combination of rocket launcher and restrictive-as-hell spaces probably brought that out more than is reasonable.) Most of MAP04 felt a bit more doable actually, I kinda liked strategizing with the green slime and other area denial stuff, but it had me scraping by and I was worn-out enough by the end that I just had to quit there as well. I enojyed Steph's maps a lot more (and actually beat them both), they felt a lot less exacting and grindy and I found MAP05's nonstop frantic scrambling around the most fun out of anything here. Overall I can't be mad at this set, it is really creative and I do really like the visuals and soundtrack picks and of course the cute moth, but I'm sad I'm not more in the target audience here. Then again this is also a chance for me to improve at the game so I'll take another shot at all these maps (and hopefully finish Mocha's) on HNTR sometime soon. Glad I played it!
  14. oh hey really cool to see a project by you two! just leaving this here so I'll remind myself to actually try it out soon, I'll be sure to post my thoughts on it afterwards
  15. I think @DreadWanderer already put basically the same response I would, but I do wanna say that I read the criticism and I pretty much agree with your assessment, at least based on how the fight played out for you yourself. If and when I do slaughter stuff again I definitely won't make something so one-note, and it'll be with access to the whole Doom 2 enemy roster as well which as you said is a lot better for this sort of thing.
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