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Everything posted by monkeymaster69
I managed to implement a reload of the gun which is the 10MM gun from fallout 3 the problem is that I can continue shooting even without ammunition practically infinite ammunition I would need a hand to solve this bug I have already written similar posts but no one helped me. heres the code of the gun itself if anyone can see why the ammo bug persist can i see a edit of this code under this post thanks Actor Vaultdweller : doomplayer { Player.WeaponSlot 2, 10mmPistol Player.StartItem "10mmPistol" Player.StartItem "Clip", 15 Player.StartItem "fist" } actor 10mmPistol : Weapon { Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 Weapon.AmmoType1 "Clip" Weapon.AmmoGive 20 Weapon.AmmoUse 1 Inventory.Pickupmessage "Picked up a pistol." +Weapon.Ammo_Optional AttackSound "weapons/glockfire" Weapon.Kickback 75 States { Ready: 10MM A 1 A_weaponready(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD) Loop Deselect: 10MM A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: 10MM A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: 10MM A 4 10MM B 6 A_FireBullets(4,4,-1,6,"BulletPuff",1) 10MM C 5 10MM A 0 A_CheckforReload(12,"Ready") Goto Dryfire Dryfire: 10MM D 12 A_PlaySound("weapons/glockdry") Goto Reload+1 Reload: 10MM A 0 A_CheckforReload(1,"Ready",true) 10MM AD 1 10MM EF 3 10MM G 4 A_ResetReloadCounter 10MM ED 1 10MM A 3 Goto ready Flash: TNT1 A 2 A_Light2 TNT1 A 1 A_Light1 TNT1 A 0 A_Light0 Stop Spawn: 10MM A -1 Stop } } heres a video of the bug if you want proof but it could also be janky coding on my part but thats also why i need help :,) https://drive.google.com/file/d/15aNMxGW9-xnVpeHyuPU5ajQ7hid79YYX/view?usp=sharing
soo ive made another post like this two days ago and no one replied soo im gonna ask again with this one and add some context soo ive been trying to port some fallout weapons in doom and ive started with 10MM pistol and i wanted to add reload animations both mid clip and with no clip like in modern games like call of duty and stuff since fallout has this feature and i fallow a tutorial made by weasel that exsplained how to do it and i can make without any issiues DUKE NUKEM 3D style reload with no issiue but when i try making a more modern style and like its shown in the tutorial but its very buggy when i implemented bugs such as -infinite reloads even when the mag is full -reload animation not playing not metter how many times i press "R" -not being able to switch back to the 10MM pistol when i ran out of ammo even when i pick them back up here the code so that someone can help me seing what i did wrong: Actor Vaultdweller : doomplayer { Player.WeaponSlot 2, 10mmPistol Player.StartItem "10mmPistol" Player.StartItem "ReloadAni10mm", 15 Player.StartItem "fist" } actor 10mmPistol : Weapon { Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 Weapon.AmmoType1 "ReloadAni10mm" Weapon.AmmoUse1 0 Weapon.AmmoType2 "10MMClip" Weapon.AmmoUse2 0 Weapon.AmmoGive 20 Inventory.Pickupmessage "Picked up a pistol." +Weapon.Ammo_Optional +Weapon.Ammo_CheckBoth States { Ready: 10MM A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ReloadAni10mm",1,"LoadGun") 10MM A 1 A_weaponready(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD) Loop Deselect: 10MM A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: 10MM A 0 A_GiveInventory("ReloadAni10mm",1) 10MM A 1 A_Raise Loop ReloadAni10mm: 10MM D 3 10MM E 3 10MM F 5 10MM G 8 A_TakeInventory("ReloadAni10mm",1) 10MM E 5 10MM D 3 10MM A 2 Goto Ready Fire: 10MM A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("ReloadAni10mm") 10MM A 4 10MM B 6 A_FireBullets(4,4,-1,6,"BulletPuff",1) 10MM B 1 10MM C 5 A_ReFire Goto Ready Flash: 10MM A 3 Bright A_Light2 10MM A 3 Bright A_Light1 10MM A 0 Bright A_Light0 Goto LightDone Spawn: 10MM A -1 Stop } } Actor 10MMClip : Ammo replaces Clip { Inventory.Amount 10 // You'll get half this if a monster drops it. Inventory.MaxAmount 150 Ammo.BackpackAmount 30 // How much you'll get out of backpacks or equivalent. Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 300 // The new max amount if player has a backpack. Inventory.Icon "CLIPA0" // This displays on the fullscreen HUD. Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up some 10mm ammo." States { Spawn: CLIP A -1 Stop } } ACTOR ReloadAni10mm : Ammo { Inventory.MaxAmount 12 Ammo.BackpackAmount 0 Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 12 +IGNORESKILL }
so i have been trying to make a reload animation for a ported 10MM pistol from fallout i used Weasel tutorial but it doesn't function ive follow the guide to everything said but the reload is buggy before it let me reload the gun even with a full clip and succedetly it didn't reload at all and had infinite ammo for some reason ill leave the code here so that some one can tell me where i got wrong the tutorial Actor Vaultdweller : doomplayer { Player.WeaponSlot 2, 10mmPistol Player.StartItem "10mmPistol" Player.StartItem "ReloadAni10mm", 15 Player.StartItem "fist" } actor 10mmPistol : Weapon { Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 Weapon.AmmoType1 "ReloadAni10mm" Weapon.AmmoUse1 0 Weapon.AmmoType2 "10MMClip" Weapon.AmmoUse2 0 Weapon.AmmoGive 20 Inventory.Pickupmessage "Picked up a pistol." +Weapon.Ammo_Optional +Weapon.Ammo_CheckBoth States { Ready: 10MM A 1 A_weaponready(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD) Loop Deselect: 10MM A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: 10MM A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: 10MM A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("Reload") 10MM A 4 10MM B 6 A_FireBullets(4,4,-1,6,"BulletPuff",1) 10MM B 1 10MM C 5 A_ReFire Goto Ready Reload: 10MM A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ReloadAni10mm", 12, 2) // If the gun's full, jump 2 states. 10MM A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("10mmClip", 1, "ReloadWork") // If there's extra ammo, reload. 10MM A 1 // Here's where that first line ends up - the gun does nothing and returns to Ready. goto ready ReloadWork: 10MM A 1 10MM D 3 10MM E 3 10MM E 0 A_GiveInventory("ReloadAni10mm",12) 10MM G 8 A_TakeInventory("10mmClip", 1) 10MM E 6 10MM D 4 10MM A 3 ReloadLoop: // Here's where the magic happens! TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("10mmClip", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("ReloadAni10mm", 1) // Only give ONE bullet at a time) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ReloadAni10mm", 12, "ReloadFinish") // If it's full, finish up. TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("10mmClip", 1, "ReloadLoop") // If it's NOT full, keep it rolling. Goto ReloadFinish // And if it's not full but there's no reserve ammo, finish up anyway. ReloadFinish: TNT1 A 8 10MM A 1 Offset(0,82) 10MM D 1 Offset(0,72) 10MM E 1 Offset(0,62) 10MM F 1 Offset(0,52) 10MM G 1 Offset(0,44) 10MM F 1 Offset(0,38) 10MM E 1 Offset(0,35) 10MM D 1 Offset(0,32) Goto Ready Flash: 10MM A 3 Bright A_Light2 10MM A 3 Bright A_Light1 10MM A 0 Bright A_Light0 Goto LightDone Spawn: 10MM A -1 Stop } } Actor 10MMClip : Ammo replaces Clip { Inventory.Amount 10 // You'll get half this if a monster drops it. Inventory.MaxAmount 150 Ammo.BackpackAmount 30 // How much you'll get out of backpacks or equivalent. Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 300 // The new max amount if player has a backpack. Inventory.Icon "CLIPA0" // This displays on the fullscreen HUD. Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up some 10mm ammo." States { Spawn: CLIP A -1 Stop } } ACTOR ReloadAni10mm : Ammo { Inventory.MaxAmount 12 +IGNORESKILL }
been trying adding custom door sound in doom
monkeymaster69 replied to monkeymaster69's question in Editing Questions
Thank you man but even when everything had the same name the sound didn’t start for some reason I’ll try do what you did and see if it fix this error -
sooo i tried to create a custom door that looked and acted like in wolfenstein 3D every thing work just fine the polyobject does what its suposed to do but the sound doesnt appear i followed the tutorial from Chubzdoomer and the sound that i wanted the polyobject to do didnt work for some reason here both SNDINFO and SNDSEQ
how do i change box of shells?
monkeymaster69 replied to monkeymaster69's question in Editing Questions
thank you man your my life savior alright soo there is new error tho idk why it does this it always load it up -
i was able to change shells into a custom ammo but i need the bigger ammount of ammo version even when putted everything i saw it gives me still an error in loading is there any thing ive been missing if some one know ill add to the credits
my custom face doesn't load is there a way to fix it
monkeymaster69 posted a question in Editing Questions
soo ive coded a custom hud wolfenstein inspired but i also tried changing doom guy face with bj is there a way to do it? when i put the face names in the code and try load up the game it load just fine but there is no face -
soo far my mod is goin good but i wanted to change both status bar and doom guy face with wolfenstein 3D hud and BJ face does someone know how to do it?
still me soo ive been trying adding a custom sound for the rifle that replaces the ssg but idk how it works i tried checking the doom wiki but still doesnt do the sound of the bang how do i fix it?
still me soo ive been trying adding a custom sound for the rifle that replaces the ssg but idk how it works i tried checking the doom wiki but still doesnt do the sound of the bang how do i fix it?
i must say that its an impressive mod very cool too your interpretations of a doom 64ish sprites of the shootgunner i thought i saw some custom sprites for the rest of doom 2 roster but still great mod keep cooking lad your goin strong
how do i add sound for the A_firebullet?
monkeymaster69 replied to monkeymaster69's topic in Doom Editing
ah sorry got confused also thx -
hi still me soo ive been improving thx to the support of the forum and the gigachads that helped me tru all this sooo i wanted to add a kr98 rifle that replaces the SSG and i wanted it to be a sniper soo i did some reaseach and found out that there is a customizble hitscan attack called A_firebullet that i can do what i want with it but there is no sound how do i add the sound to the attack since i already replaced the pistol sound with another and wanted to make it sound strong?
trying to mod enemies and strange error about custom plasma ball
monkeymaster69 replied to monkeymaster69's question in Editing Questions
thank you very much ill add you to the credits too -
hi everyone it's still me the guy who couldn't code a knife :,) soo i wanted to put a wolfenstein guard into doom i was able tho to create a lot of new weapons still finishing the tuches but now i need to put the wolf enemies and a custom boss if someone knows more than me about enemy behavior in code i appriciate it and add you in the text of thx for the help gave me
hi my ultimate doom builder is being wonky
monkeymaster69 replied to monkeymaster69's topic in Doom Editing
ah thx hahahaha -
hi still me im having a problem with doom builder were it loads the "flat" textures just fine to me to pick them but doesn't load the walls texstures or any other type of wall texture can this problem be fixed in some way?
is there a way to replace shotgun item (every item)?
monkeymaster69 posted a question in Editing Questions
hi guys its still me soo the mod im working on is goin very good and thx to realjohnmadden, Chibbiheppu, smeggehammer for the advices and chibbi and john for smudging the code (all 3 of them real gigachads ngl) soo for asking how can i change items pickups sprites more specifically changing an shotgun pick up with an stg44 pick sprite that gives you the custom gun and ammo for it? -
good news the game activates and loads properly bad new when i try to switch to the knife it doesnt appear like i press one doomguy refueses to switch to it
thx ill try it now sorry i made you fix it but i letteraly can't do this ive been trying this since 2:00 since now :,) thx you very much
guys is it okay i post the code and you see whats wrong with it? ive been coding this stuff since yesterday and can't take it decorate here Actor Knifer : DoomPlayer { Player.WeaponSlot 1, Knife, Chainsaw Player.WeaponSlot 2, Pistol Player.WeaponSlot 3, Shotgun, SuperShotgun Player.WeaponSlot 4, Chaingun Player.WeaponSlot 5, RocketLuncher Player.WeaponSlot 6, PlasmaRifle Player.WeaponSlot 7, BFG9000 } ACTOR knife : Knife Weapon 1 Replace Fists 3700 { Weapon.SelectionOrder 50 Weapon.AmmoUse N/A Weapon.AmmoGive N/A Weapon.AmmoType N/A +WEAPON.MELEEWEAPON "Knife" } ACTOR KNIFE: REPLACE Weapon : fists 3700 { States Select: KNIF A 1 A_Raise Loop Deselect: KNIF A 1 A_Lower Loop Ready: KNIF A A_WeaponReady Loop Fire: KNIF BCD 4 KNIF B 4 KNIF C 4 KNIF D 4 Goto KnifeFire } map info here: GameInfo { Playerclasses = "Knifer" idk how to fix this i feel tired and stressed just for replacing the fists