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About eycel

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  1. anyone have any ideas please share...Appreciate it.
  2. Would something like these v1.2 have come with a mail order box like this? or even the 1,1 blue label ones?
  3. I bought this listing today on ebay, I have been researching listings on ebay now for quite a few years and well actually started a PC Preservation and grading company with my acrylic protective case making business. Im also a collector so once I get my Grade on it and my UV resistant Acrylic wrapped around it, and find the actual disks that came with this box I will hold on to it for 10-20 years or something. Also I didnt pay much for it. The way I see it, its been a long time since this came out in the 90s, at some point the owner must have had a shareware copy that those disks must have been put in here for a variety of reasons, mainly the original disks could have simply got thrown away. The box seems to be in like B+ type condition with the artwork and surfaces near perfect but there are tears and scuffing on the corners comparable to whats on the market currently. I guess what I want to know the most is, is this an original mail order doom/box/papers and which country was it for, im assuming USA? I want to get a full disk set for it that came with a box like this as well. Can anyone give me any factual insight as to what exactly is in this lot? From my research that box seams to be one of the original mail order boxes for Doom but the disks Gold Medallion is from a shareware copy. The listings are all out of wack on ebay as any listing with this specific box are all in the 1200-10,000 $$ range. There are a ton of listings of ORIGINAL disks for DOOM all over ebay, can an expert chime in on which disks came with this box specifically? Im assuming the authenticity of the box is authentic but I was thinking of finding a print expert on Fiver to help me for a few hours going over some of the details of it with me to have a better understanding. Here are the photos of the listing I bought.
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