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About doomspoons3d

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  1. WIP Hadn't crossed my mind but I'd do it if there's moderate demand for it (or if i get comm'd ofc)
  2. Oh yeah, haven't even sculpted the hands yet - worry not, its just a basemesh remnant :) Definitely going to go with beefcake claws, I just like to give everything human hands to start with to have something i can fuck around with And for the hell knight, I could recolour it but I want to make it somewhat distinct whilst still looking like the '94 design
  3. Likewise! And yeah, this wall tex will absolutely be my primary reference for the Archvile's face - very gigeresque
  4. There we go. Tempted to do more poses, but I need to move onto the Zombieman and Shotgunner.
  5. Prints came out well, doing a photoshoot now. Here's some renders in the meantime.
  6. I've been referencing these and the Doom 64 sculptures mutually. Hyped to do the Revenant. Thank you! I wanted to avoid the screaming noseless face that other interpretations go for. They're valid, but I think the Imp would be drawn with nostrils if they had more resolution to work with. That's some high praise, thank you :]
  7. Been trying to conjure up some poses for Doomguy. Surprisingly hard to pose with how bulky he is. Will update later with how the prints come out.
  8. This is true, didn't consider the skull motif lapsing into potential visual homogeny. Revenant will be completely eyeless and the lost soul could be tweaked a bit to be less like a conventional skull. Who knows. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. To be honest this entire project is birthed out of pure spite from how much I dislike the classic skin in Eternal - the original clay model clears in terms of being a memorable design (imo) so I'm glad there are fellow doom fans who share a level of love for the true Doomguy design :> Thank you! More to come.
  9. Hi, Been quite inspired lately from replaying Doom 1 and 2, and I wanted to do some 3D models as tribute (and as 3D printables!) Working through every enemy currently. I'll post progress here periodically. I wanted to be around 80% faithful to the original designs, making changes here and there (like the Imp not being noseless) The prints and raw model files (with pbr textures) will be available on my Gumroad. https://doomspoons.gumroad.com/ Feel free to give feedback/ideas!
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