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About B00m3rDoomer

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  1. Well edit it like you want to make it suitable :) I am very neutral about about these innovations, am just interested in Romero's answer. So if you think you can rephrase it to make it better and get an inetresting answer, help yourself
  2. What do you think about recent inovations in mods for GZDoom and Zandronum such as voxels, 3D models, HD textures, and so on ? Is it in your opinion a form of betrayal, a pointless effort, or an interesting evolution of the game ? Or something else ? Are there some areas you would like to see modders invest in for modern source ports ?
  3. Are you impressed or surprised by some WADs, mods, total conversions which competed for the Cacowards these last years ? What impressed you most ? What do you like or dislike about the recent production of WADs for modern source ports ?
  4. Can't wait for it :) the best HD PBR ever... Sure, I can help... You can PM me a link to your wad
  5. A very promising non-HD PBR. I am in love with it and can't wait for your next release ! Nice job, big up !
  6. Hi, got this error when loading weapons.zip with gzdoom : Execution could not continue. Script error, "WEAPONS.zip:modeldef.doom.weapons.txt" line 1: MODELDEF: Unknown actor type 'Rifle'
  7. You are talented. Do not listen to critics who would like to impose you their vision of the game. Believe in what you want to do and have fun. Like some others in this thread, I have serious doubts about the relevance of full 3D models in Doom, and questions about the possibility to animate all this smoothly. But I fully respect your dedication to this. This game evolved because people thought differently and wanted, step by step, to remove some limits and create new stuff. And I suppose this is exactly what you are doing. Big-up, don't give up.
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