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About LoserXylophone

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  1. I want to say E2M4 in my opinion.
  2. I have now beat Doom 1 and 2 and here is my opinion on them I think that Doom 1 has way better levels and is more fun to play compared to doom 2 but I think that Doom 2 has a way better final boss The Icon Of Sin compared to The Spider Mastermind in Doom 1. Also Doom 2 has more weapons... ok only one more weapon and Doom 2 also has more monster verity then Doom 1 but some of the new enemies can go jump off a cliff. So basically Doom 2 has more but Doom 1 is more fun to play so over all I think Doom 1 is a 9.7/10 and Doom 2 is a 8.9/10 in my opinion and now on to Doom 3.
  3. I play doom all the time on my school text book.
  4. 13 year old me fucking hated E1M6 because for some reason I got stuck on that level for like 3 hours so now I think the level is ok but do to that time I got stuck on it for 3 hours I think E1M6 is the worst level in doom.
  5. I really hate the spectre's I know they are not very powerful but on the maps were they are in a a very dark place were to the point that you cant see them they can be a real pain in the ass.
  6. 1 Man 4 CyberDemons is you VS 4 CyberDemons, can you survive? also there might be a BFG on this map.


  7. Canyon Base is a UAC base inside a canyon.


  8. The hit sequel to ImpatientsHouse ImpatientsHouse 2


  9. Impatients House is a map a made about a friend just to piss him off and I desisted to post it here.


  10. Is there anything I should be worried about in Episode 3/Inferno
  11. All the time and I am not proud of it.
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