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About Justnecro

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  1. Hello everyone, I'm here to share my midis beacause I feel excited to share things to the world, most of them are heavily inspired in thrash, technical and death metal, so if you are interested check it out! The link is permanent and with the passage of time I will still update it uploading new midis: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/f2359l5rhmfsyfjncuzzp/ACPlZzuwQR2U5FMQhXFsTz4?rlkey=qndvthtw8rkplty7ocgwi68ux&st=nw6a93u0&dl=0 You are free to use it and modify it as you wish, because that's what music is about!
  2. After experimenting with midi music, I decided to make a map similar to a slaughtermap incluiding my work, tested in Zandronum 3.2, GZDoom 4.11.3 and ZDoom 4.8.1. Hope you like it. Screenshots: Read Me: Download: Phobophiliac.rar
  3. Hi everyone, for my first post I want to share with all of you some project that I was working on for around 4 days, long story short, I managed how to use midi instruments (kinda) on Reaper, and make music that I like very much (which is mostly metal), would really appreciate getting some feedback and tell what could I improve for someone that's new, like which format is need to be classified as a midi, trying to make something good with this digital instruments. Zakarias.rar
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