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Jackass of Doom

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About Jackass of Doom

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  1. Here's as close as I can get on uvfast. 15ccfast102.zip
  2. Hey Wilou, great to hear from you, and thanks for that awesome map and your work leading 180mpv in general! I definitely left a lot of time saving on the table here as I mostly just wanted sub 30:00, so I'd love to see what you can do with it if you're ever so inclined.
  3. Map 30 uvmax in 44:53 Map 30b uvmax in 29:05 180mpv30-4453.zip 180mpv30b-2905.zip
  4. Thanks, although my claim to such a title is clearly highly questionable at best. The linedef skip is actually pretty simple once you find a setup that works for you (and the one in my demo should be pretty easy to replicate, it's just a matter of making sure that you hit all 3 keys required to sr50 at the same time while you're lined up correctly and in the right spot), so I'd say give UV another go! My time shouldn't be too tough to beat, if you're so inclined. Happy hunting, and thanks again for the ITYTD demo!
  5. Nuts 2 TRUE uvmax in 22:52. nuts2-2252.zip This is to my knowledge the first non-tas true uvmax of any map in the Nuts series (as 3 has the immortal chaingunners and 1 has an ammo shortage), as well as my first demo submission. Wtf am I doing with my life.
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