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About Snor1ax_

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  1. Thanks for the tip. I used a rolled-back version of the.wad before I started going in the non-vanilla direction, but even so, since I already set up my "display" from the start, it's kind of hard fitting the frames onto it, and as such, the patches go off the frame. Ideally, I would like to preserve my original map layout as much as possible.
  2. It's sort of hard to explain, so I've DM'd you what the WAD file looks like now. Initially, I wanted to make it vanilla source port compatible but sort of gave up after running into quite a few problems with ordering the frames, as the latter two-thirds of the frames would play first for some reason, and I had to allocate some frames with some rather unique names to not get confused. Also, the requirements for the TITLEPIC, M_DOOM, M_LEVELS, etc. were sort of a pain.
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