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About ALilGrayBoi

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    Professional Procrastinator
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  1. Earthbound's sounds are just so punchy to me I love it
  2. From the mixed reactions from the community right now I can tell this game is gonna be extremely controversial when it launches
  3. Bethesda just revealed a trailer for the next ID game. Thoughts?
  4. I'm learning to make maps. Made 8 so far. Its part of a megawad that shows my map making journey
  5. I would genuinely buy the soul sphere candy
  6. Doom without monsters is like a hotdog without the sausage
  7. I've tried many times but you cant load mods. so sad
  8. In 2017-2019 cant remember exactly when, I played an RPG called Teeny Titans. Its based on the teen titans reboot. I replayed it recently and I'd say it's actually a decent game. It's a little too on the easy side but it has neat gameplay mechanics I haven't seen in any other RPG. Try it out, don't let the teen titans tie in deter you from playing it
  9. Right now I'm collecting every Lego sonic and Lego animal crossing set. It has not been kind to my wallet
  10. There's better ways to ask what doom music people like e3m8: facing the spider... edit?: yall are fucking stupid I'm clearly joking
  11. How do you even make a pride themed wad? I could see a community project with lgbt members but not an actual lgbt wad. Would it be a map with a color palette of 5 rainbow colors? I don’t mean to offend anyone I’m just genuinely curious
  12. I felt depressed as shit after a messy break up. It was REALLY BAD. But since then I’ve felt better. Every know and then I question life but you just gotta be grateful for what you have. In fact Doom is what kept my mind off of all that when I was still recovering from it. Find a passion, set an absurd goal. Even if it’s something stupid like beating Mario 64 with the least amount of A presses. Do something to keep you occupied as long as it’s not harming you. I’ve been working towards my goal of being a successful game dev.
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