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About ᒐack102

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    Mister Footnote

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  1. Alright you beat me, I don't even know how to beat that. BUT. Only saying "see arachnatron" feels like an injustice, since it HAS arms, but the best condition to actually steal one is to press it against the wall. So I feel like you should change that part. Still, you win.
  2. Hear me out: Flip the car over with the big ol feet. THEN, get the spider to it's sides, where it's arms are, then, tear it out.
  3. OBJECTION! Mr. LegendaryEevee, are you implying that the Spidermaster mind lacks the required limbs to steal a catalytic converter? If so I would like you to examine the following image. Sir, what do you see on the body there? Oh I know! FUCKING ARMS
  4. Okay yeah, you're prolly just bad. But I can understand.
  5. Of what? Plutonia, TNT, II, what?
  6. I feel like there is ONE exception to the rule: the Icon of Sin. To get the actual experience of the fight, you mostly need locked look. Though I wouldn't blame for freelook AFTER beating it with lock look. Again, wierd excepetion, but it's there.
  7. Both are situational. For the chaingun, you wanna use it on high pain chance enemies1. And for that, it works. It also just generally gets rid of enemies really quick with low ammo.2 But the BFG has it's use too, for mainly the beefier enemies.3 One is not better than the other necessarily, they're both very useful. 1: Cacodemons, Lost Souls, especially Pain Elementals, Arachnatrons, and Mancubi. 2: Zombiegunners, Imps, Sergeants, Heavy Weapon Dudes, Pinkies, Spectres, and SS. 3: Archviles, Barons, CyberDemons, and Spider-Masterminds.
  8. Damn, I wanna like it, but WADs like these just turn me away. Literally couldn't play level 2. I hate levels like that. Good first level though I'll give you that.
  9. Still need to beat that level, I'm trying to be episode on UV, but I might switch to HMP to get there quicker.
  10. nevermind, I switched it to GZDoom, and it's working a lot better now.
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