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About Ghost_Ellis

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  1. TYSM YES!!! havnt set up yet bc i think i need a mapinfo lump, but this is perfect, tysm
  2. No, not at all like that. I want a room, with a tv in it, that shows a live feed
  3. Been workshopping and testing ideas/learning how to make stuff with Slade 3, ultimate doom builder, and many many other tools, and was wondering how i can create a team to work with on this, as the workload has quickly become to much to manage on my own, while still having some kind of work/life balance. Is there a post type or format I can put on this forum or other platforms for applications? Goal is to make a standalone game using udb as an engine
  4. Seems to be a line up this wall, that is textured, but when moving, the thing shown below happens, it flickers in and out of reality, There's also a lot of white pixels to the right of the bug. Not sure why. The spaces between the walls are incredibly small (under 12px) so maybe that's why? Or maybe there's too many 3d floors?
  5. I would like to create a wall that will display what an Aiming or Moving Camera is looking at. Is there any way to do this? The end result would be a room with a tv in it, but the player's controls move the character on screen and or the map around the character on screen, creating the illusion of actual 2d screen space or a monitor showing and actual live security cam of another area
  6. Found this stuff, and it reads as though it could help get me some better lighting/coloration, and I'm just wondering what some of these actually do, and if they're even worth messing with. Like, is Lowercolor_top, going to let me gradient this?
  7. Heyo, sorry for so many posts today haha, just wondering if there are any guides to monster creation, specifically regarding the pixel art for the sprites. I made a monster, but it does not look as good as I'd like. Just wondering ig if there's a way to know what size the sprites should be, or how to make it look smoother when turning. for example, the side profiles of my monster are too thin compared to the front/back, and same goes for the angled sprites. Ig I just wanna be able to make it look clean, so it's easier to look at.
  8. Thanks dude, much appreciated, and yeah that makes sense then. I set it to 100, but I may need to bump it up a tad lol. If you have time, maybe I could DM ya and ask about some more specific things I was wondering abt like certain Things, Actions, etc. In UDB
  9. Can I please get the links to those mods? Also, I have changed the view height and camera heights, but it's not quite what I'm looking for. Tbh, I actually can't tell if it's making the fps view any taller.
  10. I'm new to the community, at least compared to most of you guys, what is RAMP? I assume it's like a thing where ppl submit wads?
  11. I use a free browser site called Pixilart. It's got the basic tools, and u can export things as sprite sheets etc, you can animate and whatnot. There is a size limit for what you can make, but the likelihood of you needing more than the limit is next to none. https://www.pixilart.com/draw?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnrOtBhDIARIsAFsSe53sexj2b_FqhInFDcpVVxNpfJvNJjWrwLUvwVZpfQuqplD8d0C7uKkaAki8EALw_wcB
  12. Looking to have a more camcorder style view bob, and I'll have to figure out how to make the overlays such as scan lines etc. Also, the fov and player model scales don't look right for what I'm attempting to create. It's too wide, and the fov slider does not fix this, it just makes the issue more obvious, basically I want it to look more like the player-cam from games like RE7 and Outlast. My game has a lot of long hallways, that are the correct scale, but the player cam makes it look either too tall, or too narrow
  13. Sorry for replying without advice, all that is beyond my understanding, but please tell me how u made the sky look so f***ing amazing, bc I'ma need to do that. Also, is that the Liquid Textures pack, and if so, where do I get that?
  14. I'd like to remake the player camera, so it has some effects that would help with realism, but I don't really know how I would start. In things like unity or unreal engine you can code your own fps controller (player-cam) but I am not sure how you do this within Slade 3 or Ultimate Doom Builder. Any suggestions, or useful materials on this would be greatly appreciated.
  15. I want to have a level, that when ended, will send u to the next map, but Idrk how tbh. Is this what the Map Spot is for? And if so, how do you use them? *hoping for no end level screen, just black, then spawn in next level
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