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Everything posted by oneselfSelf

  1. Multiplayer for games I ended up loving a little too late. I was playing on a PS3 until like 2018 and so many games I liked had very low player counts for their multiplayer modes. I hung around CoD and LittleBigPlanet for a lot of the time because those series were actively being played, esp LBP.
  2. A level based on a dream I kept having one night where I was circle strafing around two marble pillars. Nothing really too fancy or long for this one, just wanted to recreate the map from my dream. DOWNLOAD: abaddrm.zip (idgames mirror)
  3. I kept dreaming about a small map that looked almost like this so I decided to make it real.
  4. I came up with a WAD idea that combines a Shores Of Hell theme with the map Wormhole from Evilution where progression comes from small simple puzzles. I wanted to go for a horror theme as well, something spooky as hell. But before I jump into doing it though, I wanted to study a bit on what works and what doesn't for such level design like that. The best way I thought to study was to play other WADS inspired by Wormhole but I'm not really sure where to look. Any suggestions?
  5. It took me a moment to realize what you had meant and I'm terribly sorry to say that I accidentally left in a test player start in the update. I feel embarrassed for that. I've updated the WAD so it's properly fixed.
  6. That sucks you got softlocked, I think I might have fixed the issue now. Hopefully you won't get softlocked again!
  7. A single-player BOOM map for DOOM II! One of the many UAC command centers on Earth has been left overrun by demons. I'm sure you know the drill by now. Kill em' all and get the hell out of there in one piece. SCREENSHOTS! DOWNLOAD: caroncmd.zip (idgames mirror)
  8. I was in 6th grade and I was browsing through a "unblocked games" site on my school issued laptop when DOOM caught my eye. I had heard of it but never played it at all. Upon loading it up I found that it was the DOOM shareware version, emulated through Adobe Flash. No music, no mouselook, just the pure DOOM experience and I played the shit out of it. I was actually so desperate to play the other episodes that I emulated the GBA port of DOOM through a browser extension. It was a pain but it was more DOOM for me to play. Even played a bit of the DOOM II port as well. A similar thing had happened with Quake, I only ever got to play the shareware release through a Chrome Web App called "WebQuake" that wanted donations to unlock the option to add the rest of the game. I don't think that ever happened but surprisingly it worked pretty well. It even had a easy way of being able to play CO-OP and Deathmatch but nobody wanted to usually because I kept kicking their ass. I didn't get to fully experience DOOM or DOOM II the way I wanted to until I got a Raspberry Pi. I had also discovered Heretic, Hexen, Freedoom, and even Chex Quest through it. I even started mapping through the Eureka Editor, although I wish I could recover the map I had created on it. Since then I've just played a lot of DOOM. and Quake. Actually just a lot of shooters.
  9. Yeah that's cool and all but you should really brush your teeth and stop making everything so complicated for yourself. You should shower too, if your self-proclaimed title of "femcel" at age 16 as any real weight to it.
  10. I've been working on this off and on the past month but I wanted to do a techbase level that had like a E1M7 type of vibe and scale. Also wanted to use some unused DOOM textures so this has been a great excuse to them in some way.
  11. A very off the walls one but I would suggest having something like QuakeC but for DOOM just so modding wouldn't be such a hassle back in the day. Although if that actually existed it'd probably be like a more trimmed down DECORATE.
  12. If you want like a honest explanation, it's not that he's short (well I guess he kinda is) but it's because of how wall textures are so big. At some point though you forget that he feels oddly shorter than he should be because everything in environments will start to just feel natural. However, this could have been a whole different story if things didn't change... Something I noticed when I was looking through a lot of Alpha DOOM stuff was that a lot of rooms felt way more shorter, almost Wolf3D kinda short. I am in the belief that this was meant to be somewhat of the intended "regular" height of rooms but was (thankfully) changed later on, perhaps to make things feel less cramped or just because it looked crappy. Some sourceports allow you to change the height of Doomguy but I genuinely don't recommend it. Nugget DOOM for example can allow you to change view height in the setting. Mods like myhouse.pk3 intentionally changed the view height to be more accurate to normal real life heights so it is very much possible to do it in GZDoom as well.
  13. After sitting on what to do and thinking about the suggestions you guys gave me, I ended up changing the rooms like this. I might tweak it again in the future but for now I think I should accept this and move on to other things for the map.
  14. The Spider Mastermind firing Unmaker tracers feels so right. I'm so excited to see this release.
  15. I've been stumped for hours on how to make this area interesting in my level. For the other areas I had a pretty solid idea for them but this area has been a bit troubling for me. You go through this area at least three times as part of a keyhunt. Because of how much the player is gonna be in this area I wanted it to be interesting, have something striking about it so that the player can remember it well and has a sense of progress to go off from. My first idea was having two floors in the area, with the top floor having windows to see the bottom floor. The top floor would also be locked behind a door (that you unlock later on) so the player would need to have to take a detour to get up there. Seemed like a good start but I feel like something is seriously missing and I can't figure out what. Any ideas on what I could do and/or tips for the future if I get a problem like this again?
  16. While I want to hope this is legit (if isn't not the end of the world, I think this is cool anyway) there's something that is bothering me while I play these levels... it's got somewhat good flow. Like if this was cleaned up for regular old DOOM I believe these would be nearly on par with an Episode 2 or 3 level and that's really strange to me. Because in 1994 your average PWAD was boxy, unbalanced, visually uninteresting, and probably straight up broken. But these levels? There is so much use of different textures, keyhunt flow, height variety, and even some light platforming. Either your doing some cool advance bullshitting for April Fools or the WAD author was way too ahead of the curve.
  17. I actually cannot believe it was that simple, thanks a bunch!
  18. I want to make a cleaner way of having teleporting monsters activate and I've heard it could be possible to use dummy sectors for sound propagation in BOOM. I have no idea how to get it working though, or if it's even possible.
  19. I'm only on MAP 2 but this fucking rules so hard. I know it's a little early to say it but this might be a contender for one my favorite megawads honestly. Great job to everyone who worked on this!
  20. Played this on UV and dropped it on the 3rd map. It's a good effort for a first wad but it has some issues. This felt untested on UV with way too many monsters in nearly every room with not enough ammo or health to deal with them, especially on MAP 3. Every room and hallway is blocky with nothing visually interesting in any of them. Placing a large quantity of monsters for UV does not make anything more challenging. It just makes things slow, boring, and even a slog to go through (unless your making a slaughter map, which then that's the whole point of them).
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