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About AtomIsTired

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  1. Thanks a lot :D I already have beaten everything on UN already, I just don't optimize the points enough I suppose. ITYTD HMP and UV were all a cakewalk, but NM is a lot harder to get top 100, because the leaderboards are filled with pros :P
  2. So what else do you think I could do to increase my score (in the gameplay sense)?
  3. There is a collectible for achieving that, and no matter how hard I try, I never manage to scrap top 100 at the end of the season. Any help would be greatly appreciated :D
  4. Yeah... this was a really dumb question I asked; this may sound like the lamest excuse ever, but I wrote this incredibly sleep-deprived. Thank you for your opinion on the matter. :P
  5. I have faith in ID, they've always made near perfect games for the Doom Franchise, but ever since Bethesda was the publisher, and seeing the absolute failures that they have released, makes me think that they will slowly do the same to Doom. The mere fact that micro-transactions exist in Eternal is a red flag, and I'm afraid they're going to evenutally turn the game into a CoD clone with demons, with battle-passes and all. Anyone else feel this way?
  6. I have no exact count, but well over 4000+ hours in Minecraft. I only had an IPad and a tv for digital entertainment untill I was 9 years old. So I asked for Minecraft, my parents allowed it (which was very rare, we were not well off with money at that point), and here we are now :) In documented hours: Eternal with 921 hours. Doom 2016 with 264 hours. Persona 4 Golden with 161 hours. Doom 3 with 132 hours. Doom '93 with 79 hours (This does not include source ports, just the offical/Steam port).
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