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About Massacher

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  1. I finished high school in 1996. I think it was 1994 or 1995 when I did it lol.
  2. I've never even heard of this. Must have been a console exclusive?
  3. T2 is my favourite movie! I have watched it well over 200 times by now. I don't know if its exactly that number but I've watched it a lot. It feels like 200 times lol!
  4. Hello! I finally managed to register! It was tough effort as it kept failing at first. But I'm here now. Some may know me. I use this name in a lot of places. Especially in games and gaming forums. I am from down under (Australia) and I've been a Doom fan since the very beginning. I still remember sneaking the shareware onto the computers in the school computer room lol. Of course I have every PC release. I love Doom! DOOOOM!!
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