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About Milkeno

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  1. Thank you so much for playing! It took alot of work to make this, I'm thinking about converting lower poly models into sprites for my next attempt at this concept since alot of people really like the beta version of hl2 rather than the full release, And I may just use a different port for this aswell since to set up the audio like I did I had to replace door opening and closing and the sounds all raising floors make.
  2. Maybe the reason I used to be unhappy with my art is because I'm a general designer and environment artist and not a mapper or sculptor, I really like working with doom I wonder if I should make something in ace engine next.

  3. hl2 textures compress down to 128x128 suprisingly well depending on the texture, Another interesting thing you can do is a sort of voxel looking method with custom mid textures and good line placement for some props like the clock thing in more advanced ports like boom and dsda(you'd get weird graphical glitches with certain texture sizes on vanilla) I wonder if making the catwalk would be feasible with midtextures or if it would just be map spaghetti, I'll probably make a second hl2 demo next month exploring these more.
  4. it uses the dark and gritty beta breen and the grey citizen uniforms from the betas :P (and various posters from the beta)
  5. Vanilla doom City 17 demo: I used chocolate doom to test this so I would recommend using that to play it but Smack my marine up 3.30 (or any other port) should be able to run it Since I used alot of custom assets with Whacked4 using any other mods with this mod WILL break doom This is my first wad I've ever uploaded so it's a bit small and unimpressive Make sure to give Feedback! (I need attention! >.>) This wad shows off: Custom assets,Voiced dialogue(that can run on dos btw), Real world scale(something that was hard for me when I started mapping) Download: c17 release.7z Asset Credits: Half-life doom - some textures Duketex - some textures Ghost busters doom 2 - some textures Area 51 doom - fence texture Half life alyx - some textures Gmod - some textures Freindly Npcs - https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/114696-stupid-dehacked-tricks/ Everything else - me Tools used: Slade Ultimate doom builder Gcfscape vtfedit Hlmv Photopea Mspaint
  6. In THIS thread ling makes a post on how using a spawnfly tag instead of attack flag and setting reaction time to -1 would make a "friendly npc" but one gripe I have with it is that the npc will just follow you and bump you, is there a way to make them walk in "random" directions instead of zeroing in on the player? I've tried linedefs with the block monster parameter but that doesn't always look natural.
  7. Baldies ps1, never tried the other versions so I don't know the quirks of each version's sounds.
  8. Are custom textures with particularly bad pixel in-fighting considered unacceptable for a mod?
  9. What if players aren't Feeling up your A-ness enough? What if your player's base is too small?
  10. "Were you the only ones on that train?" Original size:
  11. Okay crazy doom hax I discovered: you can just take PISFA0 and just change the A to B and use sprite rotations and then use that in WhackED without having to use -merge instead of -file, not sure if this technique is new or not.
  12. Maybe I should become a dentist assistant when i'm 18, the only qualifications are being 18 and having a ged, I'm already 75% through with getting my ged and I'm almost 18.

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