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Everything posted by Mustangtel

  1. Ahh I'm sorry if that map was a bit grindy. I think it would be a decent map if I'd made the two big outside areas about half the size. Also the number of cacos is a bit tedious without a BFG.... especially when you hit them with a rocket and they fly off to opposite ends of the arena lol. Map 27 is when things start to get real heh heh.
  2. Wonderful stuff. Yeah I would say map 24 is the shortest map in the whole wad to UV Max. For UV Speed I'd think map 01 would be the shortest. Further up this thread there's a video by lirui1001 UVmaxing map 24 in under 3 minutes...I can only dream of being able to play like that! Map 25 I wish I'd made the outside areas a bit smaller...they do seem a little unnecessarily large!
  3. That was hilarious lol....I love it when Americans try to do British accents :-) And it doesn't offend me in the slightest...remember us English are world champions at taking the piss out of people ha! ( and yeah I had to put the chimney sweeping on hold while I made this wad).
  4. Oh nice! Cheers Clippy, I wasn't expecting this so soon after the last vid :-) Great to see you playing the episode 3 maps...my favourites. Good idea to do single map vids from now on instead of 5 maps per vid.....I think if you did maps 26 to 30 in one sitting it would end up as one of the longest videos you've ever done lol.
  5. Great stuff Clippy! Thank you! this dropped around midnight here in the UK...couldn't possibly leave it until this morning, so stayed up until around 3am watching it....now I'm cream crackered! Map 16: I was worried you might be offended by the paperclip / Canada flag thing....so pleased you realised it was a thank you tribute for playing my maps :-) Map 17: "That" secret in the restroom...its a shame you opened the door briefly and then left....that coaxed the zombie away from the action. If you'd have gone straight inside you've have witnessed the disturbing sight of the zombieman bouncing up and down at the hole :-) I'm sure you now realise why this map is called "Streets of GLORY". The best strategy for the final fight is definitely to open the red door as soon as possible to get the cybers in on the action. Map 18: The archvile trap is a little rude yeah...but at least I gave you some pillars to hide behind heh :-p Map 19: that final fight is a b4astard lol....impressive that you only died once...I still have problems with that fight myself! Map 20: The first area is VERY hitscan heavy...I know how much you love hitscanners :-) By the way Large Cat, the midi is Red Shift by Jimmy, from the wad "Doomium". Its one of those tunes that once you hear it you can't get it out of your head.
  6. Hey thanks for playing! I really enjoyed watching that...I also noticed you did maps 1 and 2 as well, so thanks again :-)
  7. Thanks :-) Being the last map of episode 2, map 20 is a little tricky in places....spoilers ahead: Cheers Clippy...looking forward to it :-)
  8. Ah thanks princetontiger :-) I'm pleased you're enjoying it! I'd be particularly interested to hear from anyone who has played the third episode (maps 21 to 30), as to whether they thought those maps were an improvement over the earlier maps. Cheers.
  9. Woah....you certainly blasted your way through that one quick :-) I liked your strategy of grabbing the blue key as soon as it lowered and getting out before the archviles arrived. Thats another strategy I hadn't thought of! Well done!
  10. That was astonishing!! As the author, I've obviously played this map dozens of times...and my best time is around 10 minutes, so you have completely obliterated my best time ha ha. Plus, I only ever use GZdoom for this map because of the intercept overflow problem (intercept overflow never happens with GZ), so the fact that this was done with DSDA is also amazing. I'm not very familiar with the rules of speedrunning, but I'm assuming you're not allowed to use GZdoom? Some of the strategies you used here are a revelation. I loved how in the first fight you just went for the imps. and left the hitscanners to just kill each other....I never even thought of that! And in the second fight, I never use rockets on the first waves of hitscanners, as I never seem to have enough rockets for the revenants at the end, so I tend to save the rockets for them. These two methods alone probably shaved 2 minutes off my time! The final fight is a little harder in version 2.0 compared to the original release. The original release didn't have the raising barriers, which restricts your movement a little more. By the way, "Gi It Some Ommer" is a term we in the UK Midlands use, meaning "Give it some hammer"...ie, just go for it (Go2it). Thanks so much for playing! (map 30 is a little brutal...would love to see a speedrun attempt at that ha ha).
  11. Version 2.0 is now available on Idgames. Opening post edited with new link to idgames download. I'm still shocked that it was accepted onto Idgames first try...I was fully expecting it to be rejected a few times before getting it on :-)
  12. Hey, thanks so much for your comments :-) I'm really pleased you're enjoying it! I do find it very satisfying blowing up hitscanners with barrels....maybe I put a few too many barrels in places, but I couldn't help myself :-)
  13. Thanks Bryan, glad you enjoyed :-) The ending to Map 32 is slightly different in the version 2.0 I recently uploaded compared to the first release...a little less room to avoid the final slaughter!
  14. Ah thanks Hellspawn....I think map 32 is what we in the UK call a Marmite level....you either love it or hate it. Glad you liked it :-)
  15. Version 2.0 is now available. Opening post of this thread has been edited with the new download links. Changes to visuals in most of the maps, some very slight and others more extensive. Some reworking of map mechanics and fights, again some only very minor and some a little more extensive. Tried to get rid of annoying switches where possible, and used some other methods to try and keep player amongst monsters without the tedium of multiple switch presses. Some still remain, but the worst of them are gone now hah! Also the CWILV files are now in the wad, so map names will display correctly on the screens between levels as well as in the automap. The first 4 or 5 maps don't have too much changed in them beyond some slight visuals....I wanted to keep those pretty much as they were to preserve the innocence and "naivety" of my first maps :-) The episode three maps 21 to 30 are probably my favourites...really happy how those turned out. Overall I'm much happier with this version compared to the original version....Hope you like it :-) Edit: Oh I forgot to say....there shouldn't be any major bugs as I've playtested it very intensively. But if anyone does find any bugs then I'd be very grateful if you could post on here. Cheers,
  16. ah thanks...I'm pleased you're enjoying it :-) I'll be uploading Version 2.0 tomorrow.
  17. Hey, thanks so much for playing! I just watched your youtube playthrough of map 1 and really enjoyed it :-) (just subscribed too). I've watched lots of your other vids in the past, and I'm pleased you're going to do these pistol start, as I think they play better that way. Version 1.1 (the current version in the download links) has a dehacked lump for the automap names, but not for the intermission screens. However, I'm currently working on Version 2.0, which will have some minor alterations to some of the maps (nothing that drastically alters gameplay though), some lightly improved visuals, and inclusion of the "CWILV" files to display the map names between levels. Hope to be releasing version 2.0 in a week or so time. Thanks again!
  18. Nice one Zesiir, I'm glad you've completed it :-) Yeah I think the last episode is probably the better of the three, purely because most of them were the later ones I made. I'm pleased you liked map 24...I wasn't sure people would like that one due to its simple layout....I actually set myself a speed challenge for that map and made it in 2 hours. If its any consolation, I can't beat Map 30 without saving...it is considerably tougher than the other maps I think. But being the final map I think that's allowed :-) Ah...I was always testing to see if any of the switches could be cheesed like that, but I never dreamed those two examples you show could be reached like that! I shall have to be more careful of those. Thankfully those two you show don't make a massive difference...maybe saves you a minute or so.
  19. Hi DoomBerry...many thanks for the feedback. I'm really pleased you enjoyed playing :-) Yes the music is indeed awesome...all credit for that of course goes to Jimmy, Stewboy, Esselfortium and AD79 for allowing me to use it. I don't have a musical bone in my body so there's no way I could have made my own midis!
  20. Well I'm not far off 60 myself, and still playing every day :-)
  21. Version 1.1 bugfix is now available. I've edited my opening post with the new download links. Just a few subtle changes and fixed some bugs. Many thanks to everyone who reported the bugs (especially Large Cat). Fixed some issues with doors sometimes not opening in maps 1 and 7. Map 5: the red door is now actually a red door! Map 7: Got rid of the annoying switches during the initial mancubi fight and replaced with proper tag 666 action. Also replaced later mancubi so that this action works. Map 13: Some slight visual improvements and a slight change to end fight to make less "cheesable" Map 15: Player can no longer grab yellow key and exit to secret level without taking on the final big fight. Maps 16 & 18: fixed possible softlock issues. Map 19: added just a few extra provisions at start area. Added Dehacked file so that map names appear in the automap. (thanks again to Large Cat). A few minor texture misalignments fixed in another two or three levels (I'm sure there are still some other minor ones!).
  22. Hey Sandwedge! great to hear from you, and many thanks for your analysis :-) its always humbling to get praise from someone I've watched many many times on Youtube...First Clippy, Large Cat and Eduardoandfriends, and now yourself, Thank you! As you say, I'm sure a lot of the maps probably are actually Vanilla, but some I'm pretty sure exceed the limits, so I decided to play safe and call it Limit Removing. If using Crispy, please bear in mind the possible bug I mentioned regarding Map 32....it can turn into an All Ghost Monsters mess sometimes (about 1 in 3 times when I tested with Crispy...totally fine with GZ though). Yes...the switches at the start of Map 7 are annoying to say the least lol. I've actually already fixed the issue ready for release in Version 1.1 (along with some other bugfixes) ready to release later today. The switches have been removed and replaced with Tag 666 action (and the later mancubi replaced of course). Oh, and I'll definitely have a look and see whats happening with the door issue you had. EDIT: Just had a look, and I can't see why that linedef didn't open the door for you...however, just to be safe, I've added a very simple fix to V1.1 in case it happens to anyone else (simply made that door a blue door for the way back...you'll already have the blue key by then). Cheers mate :-)
  23. Ah nice one Jay! I'm really pleased you like it :-) I have probably given a little TOO much room to move around really...something I'll think about in the future. By the way, I'm releasing a small update later today to fix some bugs and issues.
  24. Hey Large Cat...thank you so much for your comments! I'm wondering if you're the first person to complete the whole wad? Really pleased you generally liked the final episode. Most of those maps were the final maps I made, after gaining some experience...the exception being Map 29, which was originally going to be the final level of an 11 map episode. Once I got to 11 maps though I thought to myself "I've come this far so I might as well continue"....and before I knew it, it had turned into a full 32 maps. So....I then decided I wanted the current map 29 to be the final level. (i'm sure you know what I'm going to say next ha ha)..... So I changed the slot to map 30 in UDB and then tested it. All went ok until the final fight...hundreds of monsters started teleporting in....and all of them telefragging each other immediately! Actually quite comical to watch, but of course completely useless for the game. Took me a while to figure out that monsters can telefrag each other on a MAP30 slot. So changed it to MAP29 and made a new MAP30, which was the final level I made for this wad, hence why I guess it plays a little better. (pretty brutal in places though...even I can't beat it saveless, and I made the bleedin' thing lol). I've been watching your demos....thanks so much for doing that! On map 31 I was shouting at the screen "don't fight the revs....release the cyber!"
  25. I won't spoil it completely, but its not hard to find...think corridors not far from the red key location...but not in any of the bedrooms ;-)
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