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Everything posted by Mustangtel

  1. Oh nice one Clippy! I'm off to watch that right now :-) I have actually just changed a little something in map 7 (only a minor change), along with some other small fixes....I'll be releasing the updated version soon. Might wait a few days to see if anyone reports any further issues. Tonight I've fixed the following bugs / annoyances: Map 01: Fixed the bug so that the door can no longer close on you to lock you out. Map 05: Made the red door need the red key to open (how on earth did I miss that one ha!) Map 07: I've got rid of those annoying multiple switch presses during the initial Mancubi fight, and replaced them with a tag 666 action (now that I know how to do it!) Map 13: I've "tarted" up the central arena area a little bit to try and make it a bit less bland looking. Map 15: I've fixed it so that the player can no longer grab the yellow key and take the secret exit without taking on the last big fight. I'm pretty sure its now foolproof and can't be cheesed :-) Map 16 and 18: Fixed the possible softlock issues in those two maps. Map 19: I've added just a few extra provisions to the start area to make it slightly less sadistic :-) Maybe I should have made some of the maps a little shorter and used the time saved to make them look a little better....something I'll bear in mind for the future.
  2. Oh gosh...I missed that bit when I first read your post! You took the time to do that for me?? that is incredibly gracious of you...I'm touched, thank you! I just opened slade3 and bunged that dehacked file into it with the wad, and it works perfectly! now the level names display correctly in the automap. I going to fix some bugs, include that dehacked patch, and edit my opening post with the updated version in the next couple of days. Thank you :-)
  3. ohh...first Clippy, and now Eduardo and Friends....I'm truely honoured :-) (been subscribed to both of you on Youtube for a while now). Cheers mate! Don't expect too much though...it has a few issues lol
  4. Hi Tmmms, thanks for replying. That switch is a "Door open stay" switch.....so the door should stay open. However I just tried that map again, and I managed to replicate your issue! I went inside, and coaxed an imp to follow me back outside....when the imp passed through the door it closed! I didn't realize that was possible if the door has been set to open and stay. Hopefully it shouldn't happen too often, as there's no need to go back outside once the door is open...but I will add that to my list of bugs to fix (I'll just make it a repeatable switch). Thanks :-)
  5. Hi Large Cat...wow, many thanks for your in depth analysis...that must have taken you a long time to write...very much appreciated, thanks! There's definitely a lot of room for improvement in this mapset, and I'm still undecided whether to make a version 2.0, or leave it as it is and take it as a learning experience for future projects as you suggest....I shall give it some thought before deciding I think. (although I may fix the bugs you noted and release a v1.1 in the next few days). I agree with pretty much all of the downsides that you describe....its tough to come up with new combat ideas when you're doing so many maps on your own, and yeah some of the fights are a bit repetitive. Regarding the bugs you mentioned: ooops....yes indeed you're right about the red key door in map 5. The only thing I can think of is that I made that door as a normal door at first...then decided to make it a red door, but forgot to assign it the red key action. I don't think it breaks the map though...just means you can avoid one small fight for the red key. I was pulling my hair out trying to fix that All Ghost Monsters glitch with Crispy Doom in map 32 lol. I tried putting bends in the corridors to try and break up the amount of corpses in one spot, but it just ruined the fights. It happened about 1 time out of 3 for me when using Crispy. In the end I gave up as the glitch only happens with Crispy, and I just decided to list it as a possible bug. (never happened at all for me in GZdoom). The possible softlocks in map 16 and 18...yes indeed you're correct. I was always looking out for softlocks when making the maps, and always tried to put in a means of escape...but I obviously forgot with these two maps! Map 19....I think yes, if you take the eastern door from the central area first, you're gonna have a hard time lol. Much easier if you go west first. Again many many thanks for your very in-depth post....I shall definitely take on board everything you said :-)
  6. ahh thanks mate....please bare in mind what I said about maps 6 and 7 above though :-) The more I think about that multiple switch press thing in map 7 the more it makes me cringe lol
  7. Ok, first off...Zesiir I apologize for being a little blunt with you. I now realize you're right about the tedium of multiple switch presses to open doors (although I still think you exaggerated just a little lol)...but generally yes it can become tedious, and I will try to change any instances of that if I do a version 2.0. Thanks for the advice :-) Huge thanks to Clippy for his playthrough of maps 1 to 5...I really enjoyed watching it :-) After map 5, there are a few things I'm not happy with that I'd like to change in any future version: Map 6...I like this map, but the difficulty is a little too much for the map 6 slot I think. But I wanted to leave it in slot 6 for reasons that will become apparent when playing it. Map 7...the Mancubi fight does have an instance of the tedious multiple switch presses...at the time it was the only thing I could think of to keep the player in the same area as the mancubi. I didn't know about tag 666 at the time....now that I do I will get rid of the switches and replace with a tag 666 in any future update. (also removing the couple of mancubi from later in the map so that the tag 666 works). Map 11...my least favourite map in the set. Its severely lacking in detail and probably has a couple of fights too many. Map 13...I really like this map....but the large main area needs work, as its very plain. I'm pretty happy with most of the maps after map 13...although I'm sure there will be the odd instance of tedium I'll change in future.
  8. Well that hurt....remember these are my first ever maps, and that I made all THIRTY TWO of them in two months. I agree they could be more detailed...but then it would have taken me 6 months or more. The 5 "flip switches to open door" is a bit of an exaggeration...yes in Map 3 you have to flip 4 switches to open a door, and also in some other maps you have to flip a couple of switches to open a door...but I don't think it gets repetative. I totally respect your opinion of course, and you are entitled to dislike it...not sure I would have belittled a first time mapper in that way myself though. All the best to you anyway :-)
  9. Ah thank you Zeusty...that's very kind of you to say :-) I'm really pleased you're enjoying it....I must admit I was half expecting everyone to say it was rubbish lol :-)
  10. Erm....yeah lol....thats in Map 17...and if you think that's bad, you should see whats inside the toilets of that strip joint :-)
  11. Yes definitely a coincidence lol...never played GTA IV in my life. I called it Maiden Voyage purely because this is my first outing as a mapper...and the Titanic tie in is because bad things happened to her on her maiden voyage....
  12. Ryiron....you just brought a tear to a grown man's eye! I've worked so hard on this over the last two months, and to hear that someone actually enjoyed playing it is really special to me...Thank you! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that some of the maps do get a little "slaughtery" at times...but I didn't want to make it too difficult so gave plenty of space to move around in. Map 30 being the exception ha! There is no Icon of Sin in Map 30 by the way, as I truely hate Icons of Sin :-)
  13. Many thanks to everyone who replied to this thread to help me! The megawad is now completed, and I've just posted it in the Wad Releases section. I have no idea how it will be received...but I am prepared to be shot down in pieces if its deemed to be absolute rubbish :-)
  14. I'm an old British bloke who discovered Ultimate Doom Builder a couple of months ago. Maiden Voyage is my very first mapset, so please bear that in mind! My big hope is for some of the Youtubers to play it on their channels. Hopefully they don't think its total rubbish :-) For some, a maiden voyage may end in disaster.... Version 2.0 now available from Idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/maidenvoy2 Or download from Doomshack: https://doomshack.org/uploads/maidenvoy2.0.zip 32 new levels built in Doom 2 format. HUGE thanks to Stuart Rynn, James Paddock, Esselfortium and AD 79 for the music. Game: Doom 2 Tested with: Crispy Doom and GZdoom. I believe classed as Limit Removing. Single player: Designed for. Co-op: No. Deathmatch: No. Difficulty settings implemented: Yes. Base: New from scratch. Build time: Approx 2 months intensive. No jumping or crouching please. Freelook is allowed...in fact encouraged (but not essential). Difficulty: This is subjective of course, but I'd say easy to moderate, with a few of the later levels a little harder. Nothing outrageous though. Probably somewhere between Doom 2 and Plutonia. All maps were designed with pistol starting in mind. Continuous play is ok I guess...but really they should be pistol started. Known Bugs: The only bug I found was that sometimes (not every time), when using Crispy Doom, the All Ghost Monsters glitch can occur on Map 32, due to the high concentration of corpses in a tight space. As I say, it doesn't do it every time, and doesn't do it at all with GZdoom. (I recommend GZdoom anyway, purely because the music sounds better). If anyone finds any other bugs then please let me know on this thread and I'll fix. List of levels: MAP01: Setting Sail. Music: "Hangar Danger" by Esselfortium. MAP02: Basements. Music: "Starting Out" by Stuart Rynn. MAP03: Baron Manor. Music: "Rusty Bridge" by Stuart Rynn. MAP04: Bastille. Music: "Untilted" by James Paddock. MAP05: Toxicity. Music: "Featherfall" by Stuart Rynn. MAP06: Compression Therapy. Music: "Accelerator" by AD 79. MAP07: Plain Sailing. Music: "Nobody Told Me About Plutonia" by James Paddock. MAP08: Machination. Music: "Drilling by Night" by Stuart Rynn. MAP09: Temple of Depression. Music: "Clonk" by Esselfortium. MAP10: Sludge Gardens. Music: "Remnants of War" by AD 79. MAP11: Torment Square. Music: "Goldrush" by Stuart Rynn. MAP12: Southampton Docks. Music: "Getaway" by Stuart Rynn. MAP13: Skirmish. Music: "Deep Fried Erotic Poultry" by AD 79. MAP14: Inner Sanctum. Music: "Stars" by Stuart Rynn. MAP15: La Quinta. Music: "Los Muertos Locos" by James Paddock. MAP16: Turn on the Waterworks. Music: "Night Run" by Stuart Rynn. MAP17: Streets of Glory. Music: "Radioisotope" by AD 79. MAP18: Penitentiary. Music: "Phobophobe" by Esselfortium. MAP19: Research Centre. Music: "Entering" by Esselfortium. MAP20: Fort Pain. Music: "Red Shift" by James Paddock. MAP21: Enlightenment. Music: "Rusty Bridge" by Stuart Rynn. MAP22: Bloody Abyss. Music: "Hangar Danger" by Esselfortium. MAP23: Lava Hurts. Music: "Abysswalker" by AD 79. MAP24: Pandemonium. Music: "Clonk" by Esselfortium. MAP25: Disinterment. Music: "Drilling by Night" by Stuart Rynn. MAP26: Vile Pit. Music: "Radioisotope" by AD 79. MAP27: Grave Misfortune. Music: "Night Run" by Stuart Rynn. MAP28: Pyramid of Carnage. Music: "Egypt" by Stuart Rynn. MAP29: Departure Lounge. Music: "Prototype" by James Paddock. MAP30: Abandon Hope. Music: "Remnants of War" by AD 79. Secret Levels: MAP31: Wolfenbollocks. Music: "Astral Dreadnought" by James Paddock. MAP32: Gi it some Ommer. Music: "Womp" by Esselfortium. Screenshots:
  15. Hi Pegleg...thanks for the reply. Yes I tried everything and could get it to work 95% of the time...that elusive 5% made me give up on it in the end ha! I was trying it with very low health, and with a freshly picked up megasphere to get both extremes. In the end I just decided that if someone wants to play map 32 as intended they will pistol start it anyway, without the need for me to force them to. And to be honest, you can bypass a death exit anyway by just doing a "changemap" cheat before exiting, so I'm content to leave it as it is. Hi Vice....I guess I have a decent idea of what works, and I'm pretty happy with how the megawad has turned out. Of course, others might think its a load of rubbish, but I think its decent for a first attempt. I have it all joined together now with all the midis inserted, so I'm very close to releasing it now...possibly in the next couple of days after some more testing (i've tested it many many times in both GZ and Crispy). OMG ha!....yes my name is Terry, but this absolutely is not going to be a "Terry" wad :-)
  16. Many thanks for the reply and the info Pegleg. I've been experimenting with both methods you suggested, and the telefrag barrels / romero head is definitely the most reliable for normal levels (works every time without fail). I can't use it in my case though, as I need it to be a death exit from map 31 to 32....ie an "exit to secret level" and killing the Romero head takes the player to map 16. So I need to use a combination of barrels, voodoo doll and a "W1 Exit to secret level" linedef. I've just got to experiment to get the positioning of the barrels and exit linedef correct to ensure death and exit occur reliably every time :-}
  17. Hey thanks Gez, I'll have a read of those links. I guess if I just put all the midis at the end they won't be getting molecularly absorbed into anything else. Oh I'm definitely oldschool....for me the fly was dispatched with an industrial press rather than a shotgun :-)
  18. Ohhh...thank you Sarah! That is wonderfully kind of you...all the time I was making my map 32, all I could think of was "Womp" playing in the background. Its my favourite Doom midi of all time, and will go perfectly with the carnage in that map! And I'm sure I'll be using some of your other midis from BTSX etc in some of the other maps. Again, massive thank you! Thanks Yugiboy. Yes I really don't want to upset anyone or break any etiquette rules, so I will definitely ask first, and of course I'll totally understand if anyone says no....it must take a huge amount of time and effort to make these midis, so completely understandable that the composers wishes be respected.
  19. Hi Stabbey, many thanks for your kind reply. 1. Thanks, I'll join all the maps together and make sure the midis are at the end as you suggest. At the moment I have 32 individual maps, but they are all numbered correctly from MAP 01 TO MAP 30 (plus MAP 31 and 32 of course), so I just need to do a bunch of "save intos" to join them. I could probably join them in Slade I believe, but I don't want to complicate things ha! 2. Yes, I think I should ask permission...perhaps I can find the midis I like and then PM the composers on here to ask permission. 3. Interesting....I will have a play with that idea. Thank you!
  20. Hi Everyone, this is my first post. First off, please go easy on me...I'm an old British bloke...I won't say how old exactly, but I was pushing 30 before Doom even existed! I've been playing Doom for many years, but until two months ago I hadn't even heard of Ultimate Doom Builder. So I decided to look into it, and after downloading UDB, two months later I've just about completed my first mapset.....and yes I know the general advice is not to start off big, but it sort of got away from me, and turned into a full 32 map megawad. (I have a lot of free time on my hands!). The maps are all completed, but I've got a few questions that hopefully some of you may be kind enough to answer for me. By the way, its all compiled using standard Doom 2 format, so should be Vanilla....or maybe Limit Removing. Looking to release it on here within the next week or so. 1. I want to replace the midis for each map. I think I know how to do it with Slade, but do I add the midis to each map first, and then join them all together to make the megawad? or do I join the maps together first and then add the midis? 2. Would be great if I could compose my own tunes, but I don't have a musical bone in my body...so I'd like to use some midis from some of my favourite wads, such as Speed of Doom, Plutonia 2, BTSX etc etc. I especially like the work of Jimmy, Stewboy and Esselfortium. But what is the etiquette for using those midis?...is it just plain forbidden, or do I have to ask each author for permission, or do I just use them and list each midi and composer in the credits of my megawad? I genuinely don't know, and I don't want to break any rules, or offend any composers. 3. Different topic, but I'd like to force a pistol start for map 32. (going into it with a fully loaded BFG would make it too easy). So a death exit on map 31 would be good. Does anyone know of the simplest, most foolproof method? baring in mind its Vanilla, (or limit removing) I think it involves teleporters, barrels and voodoo dolls, but not sure. Many thanks everyone! Terry. (Mustangtel).
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