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About Divided2

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Yay! It's Saturday :D

  2. I'm on the pursuit for a creepy mansion type of map, the only thing I found was PSX Doom. If anyone could lmk if they know of any alternative maps to MAP58 in PSX Doom, then I would be very happy!
  3. Apple Pie and Ice cream is the combination for amazingness!

  4. I'm trying to find a small modern city with a pretty long ish and big modern bridge just to mess around with. I've been surfing the web for a week, so if any of y'all know of any maps that suit my needs then I would be very happy! EDIT: Found some.
  5. I just think that it would be a pretty cool concept, and I've been looking all over DoomWorld and Doom modding sub Reddits, Discord servers, etc, and just surfing the web in general, but I don't think anyone has used this concept into a Doom mod, do you guys know of any Doom mods that have? Just something that came to my mind lol.
  6. Thank you ❤️ And yes this helped me out, I've got it working now!
  7. I'm working on this grave yard map for my mod with Michael Jackson as the boss fight coming out of a grave along with other enemies, I've already figured that part out, now I'm trying to add a mob spawner to my map, how could I do this? And could it be done with Slade?
  8. Thank you! ❤️ But btw, what's the map name for that grave yard level for The City of the Damned: Apocalypse? The Sigil mod is meh, and the Blood mod you already told me which map by telling me it was the first level xd.
  9. I don't wanna be that guy, but could you check your DMs please?

  10. Alr nice, I'll check it out once I've checked out all these amazing maps, oh boy tommorow I'm going to have so much with lots of different Doom maps!!!
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