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About Foxo

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  1. I really like the idea of this and I'm interested in joining, though I got a few questions to make sure I'm understanding everything correctly: 1. I'm not quite sure what format the maps are suppose to be buildt in, MBF21 right? 2. Are there any rules or limits for the maps? (size, difficulty, ect)
  2. Ah I completely forgot to do that, that solved the issue. Thank you so much!
  3. Well, I tried renaming the decoration files to the ones used in Doom 2 which seemed to work at first, but when loading the map in DSDA it gives me the error "createPatch: Unknown patch format". Here's how it's setup currently: (Also, should I make a new thread for this at this point or?)
  4. I'm using the OTEX textures, the texture in the screenshots is OSKY28. As far as I know, yes I'm using that config. I've done some digging through other wads to see how they did their magic and noticed they replaced the sprites of existing decoration rather than adding new decoration like I'm doing, I think thats the problem here.
  5. That's fair, I'll try and look around for more info. Thanks though!
  6. I see, should changing the text language fix the issue? If so, to which language should I change it to?
  7. Ah forgot to mention, I'm using UDMF on DSDA Here are the files
  8. Heya, I'm slowly figuring out how to use MAPINFO but I'm having trouble solving these issues; 1. Custom decoration doesn't appear in game I'm using a few custom tree/bush decoration but they're not appearing in game. When using DSDA-Doom it spams the following error into the console: P_SpawnMapThing: Unknown Thing type [number] at (coordinates) How it appears in UDB: How it appears ingame: 2. Sky doesn't change ingame I'm using UMAPINFO to change the sky to an OTEX texture, however it doesn't appear ingame. EDIT: I (somehow) managed to fix the sky texture issue! I'm not quite sure why it's working now but it works. When testing on GZDOOM both the decoration and sky appear as intended, but it breaks on DSDA-Doom. If there's any information that I forgot to include please let me know, If it helps I could include the WAD file. Thanks in advance!
  9. Hello! I'm wondering if there are any vegetation/foliage things available that I can use in my maps? Stuff like trees, bushes, grass, ect. I've looked around on Realm667 but couldn't find any that would fit in my map. I would use the Small Trees & Bushes things by CaptainToenail but they're too small. Does anyone know any other resources or places where I can find more resources? Thanks in advance! (I'm quite new to doom mapping and Doomworld as a whole so I appologize incase I'm doing anything wrong)
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