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About SpaceGrass

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  1. I've submitted 2 maps this year. Map 10 Ex Mortis and Map 11 Outpost Zero. Neither are quite ready to play yet as of this post. I'm hoping to have Map 11 ready to play in the next week or so. Map 10 is technically finished but most of the people who tried it complained that the main bulk of the map was making the frame rate drop. My plan is to go back in once Map 11 is complete and see if I can add some walls to break up the scenery so it's not trying to load a ton of details all at once.
  2. Here's a video I made showing off the wad. It's all still a work in progress and I'm constantly adding stuff and changing stuff. Nothing is set in stone right now. I have taken a small break from the project to work on some maps for David Newton's RAMP 2024 but I'll be starting back up next month.
  3. Heh, never noticed the green eyebrows before. I'm a little color blind.
  4. Update: I just went and did the work myself. It looks ok I think.
  5. Thanks. Yeah, I've checked there too. Ended up just biting the bullet and sprite bashed something together. Thanks though.
  6. Hi Doomworld. I'm working on my RAMP 2024 submission and I'm trying to find a replacement set of sprites for the shotgunner. The reason being that all the human enemies in my map have been recolored using Slade to have blue uniforms. However, because the shotgunner's clothing uses the same color as his gun, the recoloring process also turns his gun blue. I know that I could use something like MSPaint to cut and paste my way to getting the desire results but I'm seeing all my options first. I've combed through the 150skins wad and Russian mercs wad but neither had what I need. Would anyone know of a sprite set or a wad that uses a shotgunner that could be easily recolored? Here are my replacements for the chaingunner and zombieman to give you an idea of the direction I'm going for.
  7. I'm currently working on my first ever multi level wad for Doom 2 and these are some billboards I made in IBISPaintX as part of the texture pack.
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