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About doodyne

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  1. Perhaps... I'm afraid I made things way too subtler than I intended. Thanks for your playthrough and feedback, though!
  2. Hello. There was this building where I kept getting lost in for quite a while so I WADified my experience for everyone to enjoy. Made for GZDoom. Doesn't work in PrBoom. Freelook is necessary. But it doesn't work in PrBoom due to some other reason. Actually it's not like it doesn't "work" work, it does do work, but the ghost skeletons will eat you at one point. Don't ask me, maybe something something overflow something. GZDoom doesn't seem to do that. Bottom line, don't run in PrBoom. The replaced map is DOOM II Map01. It is sort of a small map, strictly speaking. On the other hand, it's NOT a short WAD. It does include a bit of "puzzle" solving, btw. Actually I'm not sure if "puzzle" is the right word. Tip: Donwload: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/groundfloors The music is mine, feel free to redistribute, with or without credit, I don't care. Same about the wad. Some screenshots:
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