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Kid Airbag

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About Kid Airbag

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    Not really a kid. Not really an airbag. WHAT THE HELL IS IT???
    Forum Spammer

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  1. This phrase bothers me.

    I feel like if something is "cooked to order," that means it's cooked beforehand so when you order it, it's already there.

    That is all.

    Go Pens.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Sharessa


      Bucket said:

      P.S. Red Lobster's biscuits fucking rock.

      Yes they do. Oddly enough, them, clam chowder, rice, mashed potatoes, and the baked potatoes are the only things we keep sitting around cooked. The rest is cooked as people order it as per the thread topic. The lobsters are the only fresh thing. We kill them back in the kitchen.

    3. GGG


      Danarchy said:

      Yes they do. Oddly enough, them, clam chowder, rice, mashed potatoes, and the baked potatoes are the only things we keep sitting around cooked. The rest is cooked as people order it as per the thread topic. The lobsters are the only fresh thing. We kill them back in the kitchen.

      So those lobsters in the tank aren't just for show after all.

      But seriously, do they still give kids those stupid little comic books and crayons for the paper table cloth?
      (I haven't been to Red Lobster in a while)

    4. Sharessa


      GGG said:

      But seriously, do they still give kids those stupid little comic books and crayons for the paper table cloth?
      (I haven't been to Red Lobster in a while)

      Yes. Yes they do. Then the fucking lazy servers throw them into the silverware tub and when I run it through the machine all the wax melts to the silverware and it's a bitch to get off. >_<

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