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About octosquidfunni

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  1. Yes, but those featureless brown slabs are accurate to their appearance in Doom ||, but the glass skyscrapers in Doom || are completely different from the building to the left in E3's endpic.
  2. GoldSrc games look way better without texture filtering Super Mario 64 controls like garbage
  3. Wouldn't there be separators between sheets of glass? It would be weird to have each side just be a single gigantic sheet of glass.
  4. There is a weird invisible building in the pic at the end of Episode 3
  5. Equinox MAP01 Port - PrBoomX Difficulty - Hurt Me Plenty Continous I'm not going to be playing BioWar because the The End was pretty boring, so here we go I liked this level, the start where you enter the big building was pretty cool, and I liked the new pistol graphics and sound effects. I think the level itself way overused the gory things, (why are there that many hanging corpses in the halls?) It has really fun gameplay though and I liked exploring the map.
  6. Switches that turn off after a short period of time where you can't see what they're activating. I hate having to watch switches for a couple seconds after I press them just in case they turn off.
  7. Not really, Sigil doesn't add any new enemies or weapons like say, Doom 2 did.
  8. I'd want Sonic Mania, but for Doom, where it's a brand new official classic Doom game with new levels and enemies and the like.
  9. I root for whichever monster is the weakest, so then when they inevitably lose, I can take out their former opponents easily.
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