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Daemonic Synergy

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Everything posted by Daemonic Synergy

  1. Let's see... Half-Life 2, DOOM Eternal, Ion Fury to name a few. Coincidentally all of these are FPS games, but they have brilliant sound design and scores as well. A couple of honorable mentions also: Anno Mutationem, and Hollow Knight. All of the games I mentioned also have fantastic art style, which really make the entire vibe quite memorable. Strictly from environmental sound design though, they are all my favorites.
  2. I appreciate the confirmation. I have done so prior to this post, so hopefully I'll hear from them soon. Thank you.
  3. This topic has been brought up before. I did some searching, but there seems to be no general inquiry/ support line of communication for this type of thing. I haven't been able to access my account for several days now, I just want to get the attention of the correct person/ people who can help me. No matter how many attempts I make I never get the password reset link I need. Any suggestions?
  4. I love old school games, I love the trend of throwback styled games, pixel art, and I love metroidvanias. So on that basis, my absolute dream of a game would be something that marries the gameplay style of DOOM Eternal; as far the movement and platforming mechanics. Especially the latter iterations we saw in DLC and horde mode (traversal sections) but with the exploration, interconnectedness, and replayability of something like Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night or Castlevania SOTN. Already we do much of what metroidvanias involve in bite sized form via DOOM. Just scale everything up. Imagine a gorgeous pixel art game with that same medieval fantasy style we saw recently in DOOM: The Dark Ages, but in a huge interconnected game world, and incentives to replay, take different routes, encounter different enemies, hidden bosses, bosses with multiple forms, etc etc. I would go absolutely nuts with joy.
  5. Not sure what OP was referring to. There is no such thing as microtransactions in DOOM Eternal. All cosmetics were free. One master level (Cultist Base) was initially a pre-order "reward " but was later bundled with some cosmetics as an option to purchase so that you didn't miss out on it if you're willing to pay. Same goes for most of the cosmetics, they are available for purchase if you missed out on the events that allowed you to unlock them for free, and in fact, all of the events have been recycled about 3 times or more by this point. As for the multiplayer, it's no classic deathmatch, but it's pretty awesome. Asymmetrical pvp format is not for everyone, but at the highest levels, Battlemode is incredibly fun and surprisingly well balanced.
  6. Late to the party, but just wanted to say I really love this wad. The colors are delicious, and the combat is tough. Very enjoyable. By the way, was leaving the Revenant fireball without any dynamic light a design choice or am I experiencing some sort of issue? Playing in the latest GZDoom port v.4.12.2 It seems to be the only demon that doesn't have that property as far as I can tell, but I haven't encountered all of the enemies as of yet.
  7. One thing I will say is that Hugo Martin's direction is--to a significant degree--what has made modern DOOM the success it is. Just look at the direction DOOM 4 was going in before he came onboard and resurrected it from development hell. (pun intended) The thing about Hugo is that he is intelligent, always looking for inspiration in other media, and most importantly in the classic DOOM games. He understands how to innovate, but staying mostly true to the core of what DOOM is. That being said, there will always be risks that Id Software will take to push the franchise, and inevitably there will be unhappy fans. You can't please everyone. I say we should keep an open mind. I think a more grounded DOOM game is a welcome change of pace. The addition of new weapons, the new melee combat system that synergizes with the gunplay & shield mechanics looks pretty bad-ass. I understand the concerns. I share some of them with you, but for now I remain very optimistic. Have a look at this.
  8. "Cyclopean Immolator" Yeah, it's a mouthful. It's kinda tough to come up with a fitting name. I understand the challenge. If you name it based on the two prominent characteristics. (The single eye, the flame attack) It's tough to find a one word name. Unless you opt for naming it based on just one characteristic. Maybe the color? A Pinkie is pink, so Orangey? Gingerdemon? Lol Are you aiming for a one word name?
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