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About cakeestation

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  1. --wozniak's doom mod!-- meet wozniak! wozniak is a 7 foot tall anthro cat (so basically a furry) super soldier made by UAC labs. when he saw his human friends getting killed by demons on the remote facilities in phobos he put on one of the dead marine's armour, picked up a pistol and went on a rampage, killing all the demons in revenge of the death of his friends... --weapons-- pistol slow firing, low damage, it's a bad weapon, but you won't be using it for long... shotgun a good weapon to use, can one shot imps, kills 1-4 hitscaners, good firing rate for the damage output! super shotgun the best shotgun in the world, kills hordes of enemies, it has a slow reload but it packs a punch --and more!-- --items-- cat food if you are very hurt, you can eat cat food! it will make you feel like a new person...for a bit... water bottle if you want only a bit of heath, you can drink a nice cold water bottle, refreshing! --and more!-- -==DOWNLOAD & ITCH.IO PAGE==- https://www.mediafire.com/file/3kcpeaem3nxma6r/wdm.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/jra1aeoa0m8vkhw/wdm_2.0.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/mbagi0dm5s43lk2/wdm_3.0.7z/file https://cakeestation.itch.io/wozniak you will need one of these three source ports: gzdoom, zdoom or prdoom+. after you got one of these source ports you will need a doom 1, doom ultimate or doom 2 iwad. drag and drop the .pk3 (or .wad if you are using prdoom+) and boom! you are playing wozniak's doom mod!
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