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Cauã Godinho

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About Cauã Godinho

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  1. Ah in other words the hitbox of enemys are "there" to help ya hit them, and the objects and decoratios have a exactly number to allow players to have a smooth gameplay. Yeah, i understand now (i guess) thanks mate.
  2. Let me see if i understand. 1 everything have the height of 8. 2 This mechanic exist to not make subjects coexist in the same place. So what is exactly the name of the mechanic then? the name "infinite height monsters" still make sense and explain a lot, of course not a lot of details how ya said now.
  3. There´s some reason behind for this mechanic to exist? the mechanic is trying to improve in some way the design level or the perfomace of the game? what was the intentional to put this on the game? really? which was the intentional? because this mechanic is so fucking bad that seems more be a bug.
  4. Wow, this make totally sense, thanks for the answer mate.
  5. The health bonus give 1% for the player in the original version of doom, But in some ports for consoles, for some reason give 2% do ya guys know why?
  6. Hahahahahaha, this is really funny, sadly i dont remember how was my reaction of my first time seeing the names of difficulties, but i am sure i just pick a randomly one (and no, was not nightmare, because if was, i would not be here today hahahahaha)
  7. I dont remember pretty much of my first time playing doom and seeing the names of difficulties and I asked the same question in the reddit but i want to know more experiences of other people so, and by the way, this is my first time (really) making a question or publication in a forum, so i dont know a lot of things, so yeah. so I'm asking for ya guys. do ya think the name of the difficulties are self explanatory or do ya need a guide or a outside explanation to understand what they means?
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