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About HDoomFan666

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  1. Yeah, i kinda f***ed up that part with the exit platform, i didn't know that the player could jump off the stairs to get the red key; since i didn't playtest that part much, sorry abt that. And i probably should've made the switch in the storage room raise the stairs up (IDK how to do that in vanilla format) instead of them being raised already. Anyway, thanks for the criticism and tips, I'll try to improve :)
  2. YO! Here's a very short map I've been working on for the past week; called Small Mars Outpost or TEKBASE.WAD. It is just 1 map, made for Doom 2, for GZDoom(Doom format) , but playable in CrispyDoom with minor bugs. (mirror and exit sign not showing "%" symbol instead) (I'm still a beginner, so i wouldn't be surprised if it was removed, but constructive criticism is welcome) Screencaps: Enjoy, I guess. Or not... TEKBASE.zip
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