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About KazyKZ

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  1. The second track, "Evangelist's March", has just been completed and added to the folder!
  2. That vocal effect is dope asf, what'd you use to do that?
  3. Hello everyone! As you can see by my join date (created my account less than 2 hours prior to posting this lmao) I am pretty new here - I thought I'd introduce myself to the forum by sharing some of the stuff I love doing :) I plan on making a mod at some point (no details/spoilers yet!), and since I already have a plan for what I want all 8 of the levels to be, I'm gonna be making the music for it before I start any of the coding biz. Below is a Google Drive folder link that, as of right now, contains the planned MAP01 track, "Excommunication". I'll be replying to this thread regularly whenever I drop another piece of music into the folder, so if you like the first one, stay tuned for more! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AA-8uu8n_mUqA1ZHCimV5kXX-YbpikOW?usp=sharing (Warning: all music files are in .wav format, and are relatively large, so downloads may take a minute) Decided to reupload them in MP3 format to make them more accessible :)
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