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About schnoot

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  1. Ah. Thanks a lot, looks like it's gonna be a journey. Didn't know about the DOOM I/II easter eggs. I've already gotten all the collectibles in the base game (IIRC), and it looks like doing everything else is gonna be pretty fun. Thanks again for all the info!
  2. Title. I've been wanting to get back into Doom Eternal, and 100%ing games is pretty fun to me, and gives me a goal so I don't burn myself out doing random stuff. I've beaten the base game and DLC, and just want to know where I should start getting everything at. Not plot-wise, just where to begin (and if anyone's got any ideas, what to start getting.)
  3. I know this question has probably been asked plenty of times and has a thread about it somewhere, but forgive me. I'm new here (and also a little dumb, lol). I've been trying to edit a few sprites to my liking, like giving Doomguy gloves and changing a few weapons. I know many mods are out there for what I want exactly how I want it (i've found a few), but I like the challenge. It's a good way to learn, imo. I've tried using paint.net and it's okay, I guess. Just wondering if there are any more out there. Also, a little bonus question: any good ones for an iPhone? I do a lot of my digital art and SketchBook works fine for that, but not for pixel art. Right now I just use Pixel Studio, and it works pretty well. Just wondering if there are any others out there, cause it took long enough to find what I've found so far.
  4. why and how did it take me almost 5 months to manage to create an account

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