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About GibblyJones

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  1. Ad Mortem with DoomRLA. Ad Mortem is the best mapset.
  2. What are some map/gameplay mods that add satisfying secrets? I don't care for orbs, I don't like how they limit the colors. I'm looking for something that has unique pick ups, interesting lore or unique aesthetic secrets, like a room with a video playing, some sort of interactive gimmick or music that you can just hang out in and take a break for a while. If it's a vanilla map I always play with roguelike arsenal so secrets are rewarding with loot boxes, but i'm looking for something that has unique secrets built in as a feature. Maps emphasized over gameplay mods that enhance secrets, both are fine though.
  3. Why bother with all that? Just use Rocket Launcher, it will save all your configurations and load orders. I have a million different maps and gameplay mods, so I save a configuration with a clue as to what the combination is, for example, "Roguelike Arsenal Ad-Mortem with (monsterpack)", "metal slug doom", or "8Bit - Doom - Super Mayhem with Combined Arms and Colorful Hell" etc . Sometimes the load order isn't intuitive and requires you to experiment to get things working, I couldn't play doom mods without rocket launcher, or I couldn't go back after not using it rather. Not to mention you can have a template to use as a default, if there are some mods that you always use, you can keep them in the common resources section in the middle and you don't have to mess with it anymore, you just enable or disable it as needed. I always play with a healthbar/flashlight mod no matter what. Some maps are just too dark and stopping to mess with brightness and gamma breaks immersion, having the flashlight doesn't take away from anything in my opinion and i've gotten used to the atmosphere it adds so it stays permaloaded. Health Bars improves gameplay, rather than a guessing game, I can decide what to do strategically instead of just hoping for the best. Another reason is if you ever share your doom folder with some lucky human friend or family member, you can have all the mod combos ready to go for them, they can figure out how to use it in a few minutes. It just means you spend more time playing the game than trying to type out load orders, and if you have bad memory like me, it keeps it all neat and tidy for later use. Unless you're a masochist using a GUI is a must.
  4. Favorite - Cacodemons, not too threatening, big and slow enough that you can drop them from extremely far away, dropping them out of the sky adds some satisfying feedback. If they're up close, you can try to go for a pointblank double shotgun blast or stunlock them with the chainsaw which is also satisfying. Least - Lost souls, not really a threat, but annoying and numerous enough that you can't ignore them for very long. Basically the cacodemons annoying little relative.
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