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Don't you just love this time of the year??
Anyway, What do you guys plan to do on Christmas, New Years etc.I'll be busy playing Halo 2 and GTA SA.- Show previous comments 24 more
Going to visit my parents along with two of my siblings, a sister-in-law and my first baby niece. Another sibling shows up two days afterwards with her boyfriend and their baby daughter (their off to celebrate Christmas at his parents' home on Christmas Eve).
First Christmas with the presence of babies with none of them being me or my siblings :-P -
God I feel like Shit
My head hurts,my eyes are burning and I feel like Im gonna throw up.
And I got no school today too. -
I Just started High School a couple of Days ago and It sucks.None of my Classes have people I know and whats worse is that I get stuck with the same classes all year[unlike last year when my classes changed in Febuary].This is gonna be another shitty school year for me[adds Sad smiley].....
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ravage said:
You poor deluded soul. They'll fuck with you anyway, just to see just how far they can go.
The vast majority of people won't, at least in my experience. The few that actually want to try something will go away if you just ignore them.
Shit, both highschools i attended would call the police/parents if you ditched during the day. We didn't have commodities such as "open lunch hour" or anything. We couldn't leave school grounds, period.
Technically, leaving school grounds is absolutely forbidden for us. Leaving school grounds during the day usually will result in a day or two of in-school suspension if you get caught, but you really have to suck at life to get caught. It's insanely easy to leave, especially during lunch or 8th period, even with the brand new security cameras they just installed last year which nobody actually watches. We leave all the time during lunch, hit Wendy's, and get back without anyone really noticing or caring.