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About Erik

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  1. Beat the Scythe "trilogy" in a row as I was late to the scene with it, late last year, excellent stuff, even if I did find the last 5 maps of Scythe II to be way too hard (then again, you did warn UV was going to be insane in the readme). Hope you're doing well, and thank you for your contributions to this community!

  2. Rest in peace Scythe X :(
    Please return someday, or just say goodbye, but I don't think that's gonna ever happen...

  3. I hope you come back again some day, even just to say goodbye to the community <3

  4. half life 3 will probaly release before this guy finishes scythe x


    jokes aside what happened here? why ddi he stop posting on doomworld? does anyone know if he is still active somewhere else?

    1. El Juancho

      El Juancho

      He just got tired of doom i think

  5. Hey bro, just wanted to say, I love both of your Scythe wads and I hope you'll return with Scythe X completed one day

  6. I'll follow you even if you're off of this world. Until the prophecy is fulfilled... I'll follow you.

  7. I hope Erik returns one day and just releases like 5-10 maps in the style of Scythe 1. If there was ever a wad I wanted, this would be it!

  8. Deus Vult 2


    Back to Saturn X have returned.


    Can't wait for Scythe X to return.

    It had huge potential.

  9. I hope one day you come back and finish scythe X

  10. come back erik we need scythe x

  11. 438 downloads

    The third installment of the Scythe series. This will be released on an episode basis.
  12. 2615 downloads

    This is the sequel to my old megawad "Scythe". Expect better looking and bigger levels. unfortunately, the last 3 levels are missing, because I am so lazy and I haven't been satisfied with my attempts at making map28. I _might_ release the last 3 maps some time in the future, but do not count on it. (Update: the last 3 maps are now completed!)
  13. Just checking in so that noone believes that I am dead in Thailand or whatever.

    I am just in a situation with very low doom interest atm, so I am focusing on other things like school and console RPGs. I won't be on irc or the forums for a while most likely.

    But I will be back.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. sargebaldy


      I was just wondering where you ended up.

    3. SYS


      I'm checkin in
      (he's checking in)
      I'm checkin in
      (he's checking in)

      No more pills or alcohol,
      No more stinking fun at all,

      Throw it out!
      Your checking in!

      lol, reminded me of the Betty Ford musical song on the Simpsons

    4. Vile


      HF with school. I'm glad that you're giving it the proper attention, so keep at it. :)

      BTW, I sent about 1000 pngs worth of scythe2 bugs, not sure if you got those...


      I suppose you won't see that joke unless you've actually checked back on this thread, but don't worry. I haven't really found any new things to fix since the last batch (partly because I've stopped altogether for the moment).

  14. is once again in progress, yay! =)

    1. DooMBoy


      So how soon can we expect a release date? ;)

    2. Julian


      ... and when will temple.mid be used?

    3. Espi


      Yay indeed. =D

      How's the wad coming along?

  15. Erik

    X-treme (demo)


    Well, maybe it's wrong to call this a demo, it's more like a HD-cleaning. It was close that these 2 levels were lost in my last reformat, I remembered to upload them the very last minute. Since it's not likely that I will work on this megawad- project anytime soon I might just as well release these levels standalone. The difficulty is balanced so that skill 4 is not playable or fun in any way, so don't bother trying it unless you are a masochist.
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