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About Kaiser

  • Rank
    Doom64 Guru
    Forum Staple

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  1. It sure has been a while! Welcome back!
  2. 10, 11, and 12 are not in the vanilla game. Oddly enough, flag 0x10 IS recognized but never used (also present in the original source code but never utilized. Likely as a result of copy-pasting from past ports (PSX, Jaguar, etc) of the game).
  3. That's definitely incorrect. The flags you see were flags that I added for Doom 64 EX and not part of the original game.
  4. Also the Saturn/PSX versions were released under different names in the UK, which was Exhumed.
  5. Unfortunately, the level design in this game is built around the wide hitbox. So changing it would affectively break the game.
  6. Dibs on Map01 (assuming this ever becomes a thing)

  7. I am still here, still breathing and still staying busy. 2014 was definitely the year of 're-adjusting'. With the majority of my worries and problems finally behind me, a new goal to focus on and future contract work with NightDive Studios, I can definitely predict lots of potential this year.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sgtcrispy


      8 more years...

    3. FireFish


      congratulations from a complete stranger.

      Odd question ;
      Are you also the kaiser known as a severe jedi knight 2 outcast fan ?

      It can get a bit weird to have multiple people using the same nickname, for years on hold if needed without them ever crossing each other. :)

    4. Blastfrog


      Sorry I'm late, but...

  8. 2014 has been considered a fresh start for me. New career, new hobbies, and new goals. I really don't have much to say. In fact, I barely say anything anymore. I've always been quiet even during childhood and in fact some even said that I might have aspergers (which probably explains my social anxiety as well). Whatever issues I may have, I've learned to accept it and be who I am instead of pretending just to impress others.

    And here's something that caught me completely off-guard, I've been asked to answer a few questions for a gaming article. Basically I talk about my hobbies, Doom, and more Doom. You can read about it here.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ReFracture


      Happy birthday man.

      Interview was a nice read.

    3. Springy


      Happy birthday sunshine. Do yourself a favour and get rat arsed like George Osbourne as of late and nice one on the interview, I'll give that a read later.

    4. Cupboard


      That's borderline résumé-able. It's nice to be on the grid sometimes.

  9. Kaiser

    Doom64 EX 2.4 Released

    A new update is out for Doom64 EX which addresses a handful of issues as well as making several improvements as well. Both Windows and MacOS versions can be downloaded here. Some of the major improvements included are:Demo SupportBind-able Xbox 360 buttons1440 × 900 resolution supportImprovements to editing toolsBe sure to check out the main website for upcoming news and announcements.

  10. Dunno what to do today. I am hoping to do something special for my 30th birthday but I think I am just going to drink instead. But here I am, 30, still single and still no clear idea of what I want to do for my long-term goals. I've always been going with the flow and where ever it takes me but I think its time that I try to get on a fixed path instead. This is going to be a interesting year.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kaiser


      DoomUK said:

      I thought you worked at Gearbox? Or are level designers disposed of once their work is done on a game?

      I work at Timegate actually, though I am still there (among the remaining 15).

      baronofheck82 said:

      Happy 30th....now go make more Doom maps :P

      The inspiration has been lacking lately. Not really sure why...

    3. Springy


      Again late, but happy birthday.

    4. iori


      Happy birthday! Nothing wrong with going with the flow, as long as there's a general direction.

  11. A new version of Doom64EX along with the editor has been released. Head over to Doom64EX's website to grab the latest version. The newest version of Doom64EX includes new features such as skyboxes, menu cursor, a new scripting utility (called BLAM) for Doom Builder 64, and of course, lots of bug fixes.
  12. Kaiser

    Doom64 EX 2.2 Released

    Doom64 EX, as well as Doom Builder 64, have been updated with numerous fixes, tweaks and improvements. These updates include full *nix and 64-bit support, localization features, drag and drop pwad files and more. The latest version can be found on the Doom64 EX homepage.
  13. Welp!
    Off to buy a new one at Fry's and get Windows 7 while I am at it. I've noticed Western Digital has been sucking a lot lately. My 5-year old Seagate HDD, used as a secondary drive, is still alive and kicking and performing just like when it was brand new.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bucket


      I'm also a lazy piece of shit on purpose. Doesn't make it desirable.

    3. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      OK, let me rephrase that.

      They are meant to be cheap, low-heat, low-noise solutions for (for example) a backup drive.

      That means they are good for their intended purpose. If you want fast, get an SSD :rolleyes

    4. Maes


      Planky said:

      Asides from low speeds, whats wrong with the green drives?

      Quite a lot of shit. For example, they include variable spindle speeds which are just prime lag/delay causes, and a head crash disaster waiting to happen. Also, since they are lower performance to begin with, they are made with higher tolerance/lower grade components.

      OK, some server nut or DBA might tell you that ALL "consumer grade" bargain-priced SATA hard disks are enormous pieces of steaming dung and horse shit compared to "server grade", full-price SCSI hard disks, and they'd be mostly right. Well, "green" HDs rank even lower than said shitty, consumer grade disks ;-)

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