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About Siggi

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  1. Yeah for sure, getting the code up and running was trivial. Worked right out of the box.
  2. Haha, no. Not randomly generated levels, although I'd love that. It's just randomizing the level order. edit: but this does give me an idea
  3. @Sinshu This is really impressive work. As someone who is most comfortable with C# it's really awesome to have a Doom source port I can just play around with. I'm genuinely really grateful. I had often thought about doing something like this myself over the years, but for one reason or another could never commit to it. I provide the following dumb thing I cooked up while messing around with the managed doom source https://github.com/scfinniss/managed-doom/releases This will pick a random level when you start a new game (episode selection is skipped for Ultimate Doom), when you die or when you complete a level. Now to think about what other cursed things I can do...
  4. Wow... this is not the nostalgia I was expecting. I remember playing an early build of this way back when. Awesome to see it's actually a thing now.
  5. Naturally I had to try these on my Sound Blaster 16, and it sounds pretty awesome.
  6. Am I in a Heretic or Doom mood today?
  7. Got my old DOS PC working again. It's beautiful.

    Can listen to the glorious bloops of the old Sound Blaster 16 once again.

  8. After a fair amount of effort importing a Sound Blaster Pro 2 pure chance gets me a Sound Blaster 16.



    1. Siggi


      Chance also included two Sound Blaster AWE64s.

  9. Got this today. :D



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaido


      I thought it was something interesting, click bait!  *Triggered*

    3. galileo31dos01


      Your avatar is giving me life, bye.

    4. rodster
  10. My social anxiety is tingling.

    1. bioshockfan90


      Hurts, don't it?


    2. Ichor


      It looks like that shroomfish is the one tingling.

    3. Jayextee


      This millennial Spiderman reboot sucks.

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