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About Lizardcommando

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    Doomcute fanboy
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  1. After watching the last RAMP 2024 video that @DavidN posted on his youtube channel, I went ahead and updated my map once more. I added in some midgate textures around the main area with the boat and added in a few more details. Hopefully this will be the last update from me. EDIT: Ok, I swear this is the last time I edit and update my map. I updated the RAMPSHOT image in the wad and also added a little more detailing to the map. Unless there are some major bugs in the map, hopefully that will be the last update.
  2. Color me intrigued. Will this have new maps too or will remain just a gameplay mod?
  3. I did download the latest version of GZDoom after making that reply, but I still got that error. It seems to be working now. I had to download the latest snapshot (Snapshot 784 as of this post).
  4. I just got this error while trying to play the latest RAMP snapshot build.
  5. A bit long overdue, but here's a video of me playing through my submitted map. After watching through the video a couple times and playtesting the map a bit more, I ended up updating the map once more. I added in some more minor details here and there throughout the level, updated the RAMPSHOT image and added an extra step in the control room so you can observe the gates opening up more easily when you hit the buttons.
  6. I'm sure there comes a point in every modder and mapper's life when you are working on a project and have a bunch of stuff already created for it, but then you notice that some things just don't work. It could be a new enemy replacement that's just too frustrating or boring to fight or new weapon that is no fun to use. Or maybe it's some part of a level you make that ends up making no sense being a part of the entire level so you cut it out entirely. Anyone else have this sort of situation happen to them before? The last map I made, which was for Ramp 2024, I initially had the map start off with the player board a submarine but I couldn't get portals working so I scrapped the entire thing. I tried keeping the submarine theme, but I made it so that boarding the submarine is the main objective and was where the map was supposed to end, but I still couldn't figure out how to build the rest of the map around this theme, so it got scrapped. I made a brand new map once more, but the only thing I kept from the original idea was to have players board some kind of vessel as the map's exit. Somehow I was able to work around that theme and eventually finished making that map. The edited Eri's Guns mod I made, I originally added in a rocket launcher that had a secondary function which lets you remote control the rocket, similar to the RPG from Half Life 2, but I ended up cutting that function out and made it act more like a traditional rocket launcher.
  7. Same strength? It must be some kind of placebo effect or something because I swear the Hell Knights were able to do slightly less damage on average compared to the Baron of Hell. Good to know.
  8. Least favorite: Pain Elemental. Annoying floating fat fuck that just spawns Lost Souls. It could have at least been given another attack to make it less boring. Dishonorable mention: Hell Knight. It's a boring recolor of the Baron of Hell, except slightly less powerful and less health. Favorite: Imp. They aren't too weak or too strong and they can give you a decent challenge on Nightmare difficulty. Plus, they have a melee attack and a long range attack so it's not boring to fight them no matter the range. Very versatile enemy. Honorable mention: Demon. Sure it only has one attack, but it hurts like Hell when you are careless around them and have little health. Plus, it's pretty exhilarating being chased by a horde of them and all you got are rockets and a regular shotgun.
  9. I haven't really done much with my map, to be honest. After the first room, I made three more rooms and that was it. I was pretty much trying to recreate some liminal pool room pictures I saw on Google. I was still having trouble getting the shadows to look right. I used sector based lighting for the shadows, which worked for anything on land, but if there's water in the dark sectors, it looks really bad. I think it might have to do with how I defined the water in the dark areas.
  10. Hooray! Congrats on the release. I had a lot of fun participating in this.
  11. I started working on the 4th map in my Jungle mapset. It's a mountain base that's hidden deep in the jungles. I have no idea how big this map is going to be but I'm most likely going to incorporate some of the same concepts I had from my MAYhem 2022 Memento Moron map along with a few other stuff from my recent maps. I also had made a force-field at the start of the level, but I still have no idea how to create a proper one. Shooting the switch works, but I can still walk through it even before deactivating it.
  12. Ever watched this classic anime? 


    Oyo Neko Bunyan?


    I only came across this anime on YouTube, tried finding it in other languages, but nothing so far.

  13. Looks pretty cool. I like the chainsaw shield and the SSG redesign. Now let's see someone make something like the chainsaw shield in a GZDoom mod lol.
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