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Not Jabba reacted to Major Arlene for a status update, So, here I am. This has been a difficult 24 hours, to say the least. I recognize that
So, here I am.
This has been a difficult 24 hours, to say the least. I recognize that moderating decisions haven’t been very popular here as of late. I also realize what’s been flying around has been a lot of misinformation and vitriol. So here’s what I’ll address.
1. I have always been as transparent as I can be about my own moderating decisions. If I ask someone to message me, it’s usually because there’s little sense in continuing to derail the thread the moderating decision was made in. I will always refer people to a second opinion or an admin if they do not find my decision was agreeable.
2. I don’t have control of what other moderators do. I will address a non-public decision (i.e. a warning) as best I can but I won’t always have the answer, unfortunately. We mods talk a lot to each other but we don’t talk about every single action we take.
3. I realize that it is not great that there is no FAQ, public staff page, or rules. This was something that was an issue long before I came on board and there have obviously been some attempts to address this. We’ve been working as hard as we can on it but rule-making on such a widely diverse public forum can be difficult, to say the least. I have said many times in moderating discussion that I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be for people to receive warnings and sometimes not know what actions they could take to prevent being warned in the first place. This is something that will be addressed as soon as humanly possible. It will not happen overnight.
4. I tend to take as hands-off a moderating approach as I possibly can, but that does not mean there will be no consequences for shit-posting or shit-headery. Some people seem to think that any moderation action is a bad thing, and that approach simply does not work for this forum, due to the volume and diversity of members.
Lastly, Endless, I’m going to address you, by saying that despite what has happened, I dearly loved and appreciated the Wadazine and its efforts. I loved contributing to it. I loved watching you grow into an avid reviewer and mapper. And that hasn’t changed. I hope you continue to do well for yourself, wherever your journey goes. And I mean that, sincerely. I can’t say I’m not disappointed at what has happened, but I will never regret the past year of contributions and fun we had.
My door is open for anyone to talk to me, leave me constructive feedback about moderating, how to improve the site, etc. I’ve fielded all kinds of feedback from all sorts of places and people since I’ve become a mod and I appreciate the love and passion that you guys still put into this site and its longevity. But most importantly, I just want to know if something is a problem before it blows up. I don’t want anyone sitting here feeling like they can’t touch me, can’t talk to me, can’t look in my direction because I’ll ban them if they do it wrong- that has never been my M.O. I’m empathetic to a fault and I’ll always do my best to level with people. Just talk to me. I’ll answer, in kind.
Not Jabba reacted to kmxexii for a status update, Here is a link to my review of Counterattack by Brett Harrell aka @Mechadon (posted t
Here is a link to my review of Counterattack by Brett Harrell aka @Mechadon (posted today, 09/17/19)
I don't think that I'll be doing the mini-writeups for profile posts anymore because I am already managing review syndication on Tumblr and Twitter. Ideally I'd make a higher-visibility thread like @Not Jabba where I just post links but I don't have my blog where I'd yet like it.
Other reviews posted:
The Subway by John J. Bye aka "Spook" (review posted 08/27/19)
Sacrifice (Doom Tutorial) by John J. Bye aka "Spook" (review posted 08/27/19)
Congestion Control by Karthik Abhiram Krishna @Karthik (review posted 08/29/19)
ICARUMEM by @Memfis (review posted 09/07/19)
Installation A by Alex Parsons @nobbjob (review posted 09/09/19)
Complex 867 by Simon Broadhead @Volte (review posted 09/11/19)
Gestalt666's Town of Heresy by John J. Bye aka "Gestalt666" (review posted 09/13/19)
Out of Phase III: One Cloudy Afternoon by Karthik Abhiram Krishna @Karthik (review posted 09/15/19)
Not Jabba reacted to Major Arlene for a status update, started playing Heretic! enjoying it thus far.
started playing Heretic! enjoying it thus far.
Not Jabba reacted to JDoyle for a status update, Ever wanted to hear Requiem's soundtrack played on an actual Roland SC-55? Well, now
Ever wanted to hear Requiem's soundtrack played on an actual Roland SC-55? Well, now you can!
Not Jabba reacted to Megalyth for a status update, My wife just informed me that we're having pizza and "gangster salad" for dinner. I'm
My wife just informed me that we're having pizza and "gangster salad" for dinner. I'm constantly reminded that I married the perfect woman.
There will be bread involved.
Not Jabba reacted to ⇛Marnetmar⇛ for a status update, I found this strangely adorable grasshopper the other day. I'm naming him Frederick.
I found this strangely adorable grasshopper the other day. I'm naming him Frederick.
Not Jabba reacted to Khorus for a status update, Lots of work again on my current Strife project.
Lots of work again on my current Strife project.
Not Jabba reacted to Jayextee for a status update, Well yeah, I guess I ought to polish this thing up for actual release (or rather, RC1
Well yeah, I guess I ought to polish this thing up for actual release (or rather, RC1)...
Not Jabba reacted to MarsHappyNation for a status update, I've been messing around with Heretic mapping a whole lot lately and despite the smal
I've been messing around with Heretic mapping a whole lot lately and despite the small selection of textures, there's a certain charm to it. I made a lot of progress on that Doom map I mentioned a couple weeks back but I'm taking a small break to see what I can get out of this.
Still needs a bit of work as far as texture alignment goes but I thought it looked kind of pretty anyway.
Not Jabba reacted to Tracer for a status update, My life is drastically improving at an exponential rate. I am very happy. In light of
My life is drastically improving at an exponential rate. I am very happy. In light of this...I am willing to rebuild any bridge previously burned here. Everyone has a clean slate and I want to be doomfriends with as many folks here as possible.
Not Jabba reacted to Ichor for a status update, Rule 37: If it exists, you can play Doom on it.
Rule 37: If it exists, you can play Doom on it.
Not Jabba reacted to ShoDemo for a status update, I just finished the 3rd episode from Heretic on the 4th difficulty and I wanted to wr
I just finished the 3rd episode from Heretic on the 4th difficulty and I wanted to write down my thoughts (something like a review, although not that serious). I guess the first 3 episodes are the base game and the expansion is the next 2 episodes, so my opinion should be the same for the next 2 episodes, more or less (unless the game pulls a <<Thy Flesh Consumed>> on me).
First of all, the game was fun to me. The atmosphere was just nice. It stands perfectly between Doom and Hexen. The music fits the game, although I don't find it especially memorable. After playing 3 episodes, I can pretty much remember 2 or 3 tracks.
Also, the levels are well designed I guess, but they can be somewhat abstract. I feel like they are a playground filled with toys for me to come and play, compared to Hexen's levels that seem dilapidated (they conveyed a more believable setting). And the secrets were mostly easy to find and I almost always got all of them.
For the ambushes, I can say the game is based mostly on closet ambushes and they work pretty well. From a point and after you will look everywhere, after hitting a switch, getting a key or opening a door.
Now for the weapons, my main gripe is that I didn't feel like the game gave me an ultimate weapon. Doom had the BFG, Hexen had the Wraithverge, or the Quietus or the Bloodscourge. Heretic had what? Was it the Phoenix Rod? I don't know.
To be honest, I never had an ammo problem in the game. It was plentifully distributed in each map and I got many secrets on my way.
Here is my opinion on each weapon:
Gauntlets of the Necromancer: Way cooler than the Doom chainsaw in my opinion. Staff: Your typical melee. Elven wand: Like the Doom pistol, but it is still viable later in the game, so I think it is better (I used it for the Gargoyles). Ethereal Crossbow: The Doom shotgun in other words, although it didn't feel as satisfying as the shotgun to me. However, it helps in the entire game and it can be used against many different opponents, so it is ok. Dragon Claw: The Doom Chaingun. Faster than the Elven wand and useful. Cool weapon. Hellstaff: I don't know if this is the Plasma rifle, but I love it!!! It is my favourite weapon and ammo for it is pretty easy to find. Great weapon! Thank you Raven for such a masterpiece!!! Phoenix Rod: The Doom Rocket Launcher. To be honest, I'm kinda disappointed with it. I wanted so much more from this weapon and it doesn't satisfy me, but I used it in very few situations, so I can't complain much. Very useful against Iron Liches (3 to 4 shots). Firemace: What is this supposed to be? Why should I use this, instead of the Hellstaff which has 100 more ammo units, when full stacked? I don't know. And the enemies:
Gargoyle: A fun little flying enemy, that is not a threat even at the start of the game. There are also Fire Gargoyles, that can shoot... you guessed it, fireballs. Golem: Something like a Pinky or an Imp. You can take care of him with the Gauntlets, if you want to save ammo. Golems also have a variation, which is called Nitrogolems. And you can't tell the difference most of the time, except from when they attack (they are not that dangerous in either form). What does this remind me of, hmmmm? Maybe Hexen has something similar. Like, let's say Centaurs and Slaughtaurs. Who else does this thing except Raven? Undead warrior: Tall skeleton guy (Revenant in disguise), throws green and red axes, with the red ones dealing more damage. An easy to face enemy with the crossbow. Sabreclaw: Its scream is like having nails tear apart metal or something. It is easily the most terrifying thing in the game. Luckily, they die in 3 blasts from the Crossbow and they are knocked back by the Crossbow. Weredragon: An enemy with a cool design, that can melee and shoot fireballs. Something like the Hell Knight. I like those guys! Ophidian: A lizard like being that throws projectiles from its staff. It is best to take those guys out as fast as you can. And they look good. Disciple of D'Sparil: A mage who throws 3 purple energy balls, while talking in an ancient language or something (similar enemy in Hexen). In groups they are dangerous and they too have a lot of health, despite them being mages. Iron Lich: You can see those guys pretty often, as a mini boss of sorts. They have 3 spells and if you play the game a bit, you will get used to them. They are ok I guess and they die pretty quickly with the Phoenix Rod. Maulotaur: He is the king of bulletsponges. He might have the largest health bar in the whole game. His attacks are devastating and if you get hit by 2 of his ground attacks, you are dead (I died one shot this way, in E2M8). Even with the Power tomes he takes a lot of time to kill. Probably the only time I found the Firemace useful (combine with a powertome). D'Sparil: An ok boss that deals the right amounts of damage and he teleports somewhere around 5000 times. I was chasing him around the battlefield to kill him. Generally, I can say the enemies in Heretic have variety and are great, but they are all, more or less, bulletsponges. That's the one thing I disliked about them.
Additionally, the items are good and most of them are pretty useful, especially the Power tomes and the Invulnerability ring. The healing items I used very rarely and the Wings of Wrath were useful in getting some secrets or escaping a damaging floor.
Now for the Power tomes, they are easily the best mechanism in the game. I was only disappointed about the Phoenix Rod's secondary mode, which was a flamethrower and it didn't help that much. The other weapon modes were awesome.
My favourite things in the game are: The Cathedral (a map in E1), the Weredragon, the Power tome, the Hellstaff and that wave-like texture, used mainly in E3 (it looked really good).
Overall, I can say Corvus is a true badass and Heretic is a nice and enjoyable game, but almost everything in its formula got improved in Hexen. Still a nice start for Raven and I am going to play the next two episodes too. After that, Hexen 2!
Not Jabba got a reaction from ShoDemo for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from Albertoni for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from Lila Feuer for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from Xyzzу for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from KVELLER for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from antares031 for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from Dragonfly for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from Doomkid for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from Nine Inch Heels for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from baja blast rd. for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.
Not Jabba got a reaction from ⇛Marnetmar⇛ for a status update, My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging d
My wife on detailing: "As far as I can tell, the answer is to just add more hanging dead people."
I think she gets it.