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So I didn't really look into what you said much here until recently:
Warm node builder worked just swell for this purpose, thanks for pointing it out.. I'm enjoying AV mirrored without a bunch of engine hackery. Life is funny in that it took 8 years to revisit this.. time flies..
I miss the blogs forum. Status updates just aren't the same and there's things I'd post there that I wouldn't post as a Status.
Kind of brought out the sad realization that I haven't really been on Doomworld a lot the past few years outside of browsing and posting in Blogs.
In just two and a half months my Dad has deteriorated to just shy of bed-ridden.
Everything is fucking shit. Inoperable stage 4 Glioblastoma, from the first MRI/CT scan it was all 'Welp you're fucked, start sorting your affairs.', with the same answer on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and probably more opinions. I've never felt more helpless.
I don't even know why I'm putting this here, I decided not to at first when I heard about traversd's situation with his son. I hope things go better for him than it is for us. We've been fully assured by every professional that my Dad's a dead man and we're just buying him some time.
Fuck. -
On this day in life, I escaped the womb 24 years ago.
I have the most fascinating blog ever!!
http://www.doomworld.com/~Mike.Reiner -
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Looks like it was for your 21st, you can grab a copy from here.
GreyGhost said:
Looks like it was for your 21st, you can grab a copy from here.
Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot it actually got uploaded to idgames. Duh. -
I don't really know why but I've been playing my N64 a shit ton lately, and I've decided to buy some games for it that I want.
I just got Doom 64 in the mail, this is the first time I've ever played the game on actual hardware and not emulation.. it's much, much better than playing it on an emulator. (music and some effects are kind of fucked up on emulators.)
I also got S-video cables in the mail for it, which on an HDTV looks much sharper than composite. I figured it would look better since everybody in the reviews said as much, but I'm pretty pleased to have my expectations exceeded.
I bought an extension cord for the controller.. and a replacement analog stick.
As anyone who has played a great deal of N64 could tell you, the default stick is prone to wearing out.
I've read some mixed reviews about this stick, but those seem to mostly stem from it not feeling exactly like the old analog and feeling more like a gamecube analog.. which suits me fine, that analog was great. -
I think I shall go have a beer now.
My brother in-law's brother. I didn't know the guy all that well but I'm kind of freaked out about the whole situation.
According to the samaritans who got on the scene in less than 30 seconds after the impact, he was already dead when they got to him.
Yeah, that's all I really have to say about this now. -
I'm 21.
A relatively boring birthday, oh well, at least I have cake.- Show previous comments 5 more
40oz said:
5 minutes, 26 seconds, 100% kills and secrets on UV.
Thanks, that was fun!