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About DooMBoy

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    Heh (but Stupidity still cannot be concealed)
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Well it appears that myself and my older brother are going to see A Perfect Circle on May 14, in Charlotte. We went to the local FYE (For Your Entertainment, heh) and picked up a couple tickets for $30 each.
    Heh, this has got my bro really excited. I'm happy as well, but he's friggin' orgasmic.
    Yay hooray, I finally to get see The Man, Maynard James Keenan himself, up on stage. I just hope they play Orestes and 3 Libras, and I'll be happy. :)

    1. Job


      Awesome. You'll have to let us know how the concert is.

    2. Sharessa


      Heh WTF, everyone except me is going to see them on this tour. Oh well, I've seen them twice already. They were better on their first tour. :P

    3. Psyonisis


      I saw them when they were touring with Pygmy Love Circus (Danny Carey's band), and met Danny Carey after the show!

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