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About zap610

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  1. My license number was posted this afternoon. I'm officially an RN!

    CAT is computer adaptive testing, the software which determines if we can become licensed. When I got up to the 60s I knew the computer would shut off at 75. I just felt it lock onto my ability level as the difficulty level narrowed. In case you are wondering what the shit I am talking about, see below:

    Now to find a job!

    1. Hellbent


      Congrats and good luck!

  2. Turned 27 yesterday. I don't know how to adult.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheNerdTurtle2


      I don't know what it is but whenever I read Technician's posts I laugh and then reflect on myself and wonder, what happened to him in his childhood that made him this way? xD

    3. zap610


      Thanks for the interesting/kind words! I'm not a drug addict or a rocker, but I am graduating nursing school in August so that could be the thing that gets me. I'd put money on stress-induced heart attack.

    4. dg93


      zap610 said:

      Turned 27 yesterday. I don't know how to adult.

      Happy Birthday Zap!

      Technician said:

      27 is also the exact year when your dick gets a little softer.

      Don't worry, all hope is not lost because if you get married and have kids you will be blessed with a magnificent girthy bastard known as a dad dick.

  3. Well, semester. On Friday I finished my first semester of an accelerated nursing program to earn a BSN. I have never ever been pushed so hard in school. This is why I've been gone. Going into it, everyone said it'd be hard, and I knew it'd be hard. But actually dealing with it is something else. This blog is probably going to end up as a tl;dr bitchfest, but for my sanity I need this. So hell it if it's crap or whatever. As for what an accelerated program is, it condenses 2 years of knowledge into 15 months. We started in June and already did 5 classes tacked on one after the other and one at a time. It's similar to summer classes, except shorter. Each one has been about 2-3 weeks long. But it follows the same idea of an exam or two each week and not having much time to prep. Each class ran from 8:30-4:30 five days a week. Of course, we'd be let out sooner sometimes.

    The first four classes were certainly not easy, but they were fair. If I wrote about them I'd seem like a teen bitching about high school. But for those of you who didn't know me in my teen years, I'll do it. There was a class where we had to memorize a 10 page script for our final while also dealing with the exam or two each week and the stress of balancing it all. But the plus side is it just needed to hit on a "checklist" for points, which was 3-4 pages. Not to mention some of the categories for the test were random, so we didn't know what we'd get. We had about 2-3 weeks for this class, but didn't start prepping for finals until several days before. Not fun, but not horrible. The second hurdle was balancing clinical homework with exam prep for class number 4. Clinical was 3 days, class was 2 days at the end of the week. So we had to work on our clinical projects and then stress about the exams before we even met for lectures. But she was fair, and once again it was manageable.

    Now we have class number 5. There was nothing good about class number 5 except that it's over, and I pulled an A-. The teacher was stubborn, always blaming others for problems. Refusing to curve exams unless the questions were really fucked up. And started the first day just with a negative tone (such as saying "if" you pass rather than "when"). There are 42 students in this program, and this is when people started failing tests. I failed 2, hence why the A- was a blessing. This is a class of overachievers. If you ever saw that person in your class who gets pissy about a B+, chances are they'd be here. So my point is that this wasn't normal, especially since the information for many of the questions weren't from her lecture, nor were they in the book.

    We also had several exams per week. It was very normal to go to class, do a lecture, lunch, learn skills, practice skills, then have a written and skill test the following morning. Then after the test we'd have a lecture, learn skills, have time to practice skills if we're lucky, and come in the next morning only to repeat this hell. Sometimes we had a day where we didn't have exams though. Sometimes we even had two days! But we had 10 exams total (5 written 5 skills) in a two week class. We had to learn how to use a catheter in a day! Not even a day, actually. And there were also "autofails" where if, say, I broke sterile technique, I'd fail. But hey, at least not all of them had that. And if we recognized it and said so we wouldn't fail. But the stress was still there. We all cracked in our own ways. And it didn't help that our teacher occasionally gave us false facts. She mixed up serous fluid and sanguine, eschar and slough, and even had the bright idea to be a smartass about it when it was questioned (before we confirmed on our own later). This was just from our final unit, I didn't even count her errors from earlier lessons.

    So you might be thinking, who cares? It's life, it's college, get over it. Except for the fact that the people in this class are going to be caring for you when you need it most. So is it really a good idea to be teaching us information that isn't true? And that's the extra stress, because we had to go out of our way in this course to work around her incompetence. We had to stress about what we should know that we didn't learn. We had to stress about what skills to study to be tested on and often need to pry information from her (she said she was "giving us a gift by telling us what to expect" as opposed to memorizing an entire skill sheet the night before an exam). Even telling us what MIGHT be on it was a gift, according to her. But by the end I think everybody just stopped caring and we went through the motions. She told us what skills we needed, we were tested on the skills, we sucked on the written tests, and onto the next.

    But it's over for now, and I start fall on the first of September. We will have 3 classes at once, multiple clinicals, and these classes are much longer. So it'll be hard, but that's fine. I knew it'd be hard, and teacher number 5 was the only one who was incompetent, so this hopefully was a one time thing.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. darkreaver


      What does accelerated nursing program mean? Like, you do it all in a shorter time than normal, or..?

      I'm a nurse (infection clinic at a state hospital), and all I can say is that you'll see/feel/experience aloooooot of cool/sad/gross/funny/weird/etc stuff, guaranteed! :)

    3. Cupboard


      I think accelerated nursing means they keep the body furnace coals warm, 24 hours a day

    4. zap610


      darkreaver said:

      What does accelerated nursing program mean? Like, you do it all in a shorter time than normal, or..?

      I'm a nurse (infection clinic at a state hospital), and all I can say is that you'll see/feel/experience aloooooot of cool/sad/gross/funny/weird/etc stuff, guaranteed! :)

      That sounds awesome! I mean, in terms of the variety of things you get to see. Not so much all the infections you can pick up!

      But yes, accelerated is essentially a second-degree program. I did my prereqs like A&P, Bio, Chem, etc before the program so when it started the content focused solely on Nursing. Everyone in the program had a bachelor's degree in something else. And my program was 15 months long, not counting graduation - NCLEX. This way was better for me.

  4. Still not finished though, need to take the written. The practical part was 6 stations used to physically demonstrate the skills. I failed two stations, had to retake them, and recently found out I passed. Nothing motivates me to get off my ass and do something quite like seeing the rest of the EMT classmates post status updates about their EMT jobs. I've kinda been putting the written off since I wanted to make sure that I know my shit going into it. Hopefully I can pass it on the first time whenever I decide to sign up.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. geo


      One cool thing she told me about their Rescue Squad is if you don't have insurance... then you don't pay for the ambulance ride.

    3. zap610


      That's... Horrible. Was the fat dude's partner around? Also I was looking around job descriptions today and most if not all of them seem to require physical tests, which totally seem fair. One of them even requires applicants to take a written (fuck that I already am taking one to get my license).

      The place that I did my ride time was... Interesting. They swear like sailors, smoke in the ambulance (in between calls of course) and insult me when I screw up... Okay I'm actually glad they do that last one heh. One of the EMTs there said they had this girl who was optimistic and was there because she only cared about helping people and got offended the way some of the problem patients are dealt with. I started cracking up. Okay so I'm kind of rambling now. I'm just really pumped!

    4. geo


      That particular town has all volunteers. Can't fire volunteers... but you can make them try to quit. She's also told me about how sometimes the EMTs will leave without one another. That's one of those wtf? Seriously they can't wait? Its more like an I'm gonna make you look bad by going alone when its just really stupid and very messed up.

      She put in an anonymous complaint that came back to her. They told her there are other towns she can volunteer at.

      LOL smoke in an ambulance. Hilarious. Smoke forms a film over everything. Nothing like being around carsonated materials. But I guess they'd have O2 on you if you're in an ambulance.

      And yes she's told me about the insults because everyone is so strung out from lack of sleep and high on adrenalin that they think every fuck up will get someone killed that they yell at one another a lot.

      My friend is an EMT to help people and to deal with cool things like gunshot victims. ... there are never any interesting calls for her, always when she's off duty.

  5. So I never really wrote a blog because despite some significant things in my life (graduating high school, getting into college, deaths, trips, relationships, etc) I figured you people really wouldn't care. But I thought this was kinda cool so I might as well share it. I'm currently taking an EMT class at my college and part of the requirement to pass involves spending 10 observation hours either in a hospital or riding along in an ambulance. So tomorrow from 6PM-12AM (yes I know it's 6 hours, I'll be taking a second shift in a couple weeks) I'll be doing a ride along. I heard Sundays are slow so I'm not expecting to see people tripping over their organs, but I'm still pretty excited. I got the slot to ride along with the instructor teaching my class since I already know him and he might be able to get me a job once this is all over. He said I'll probably just be taking vitals or assisting with CPR which is more than I expected, but I'm still down with that. If anything interesting happens I'll probably post it here.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. zap610


      Khorus said:

      I dun ged it?

      I thought the shift would be in the ghetto but it's full of rich white people. Still a big city though so something will probably happen.

    3. bytor


      Do a Tracheotomy on somebody, just for the hell of it.

      Someone tripped over their dog? "Tracheotomy!"

      That will be fun to hear about here.

    4. zap610


      Well the class is finally over; and I passed! Now I need to take the state exam to actually get my license. Since my last post I've done 4 ambulance ride-alongs and oh boy, things did happen. And it's not full of rich people either. It's late now, and it would take a bit of time to write down all the patients I had to deal with so as soon as it frees up I'll be happy to share everything. PS: In CT it's considered a medical condition to be drunk in public; just throwing that out there...

  6. zap610

    Expired License

    Oh cool, new system where we can see who says what :D Wad sucks, author apparently failed his mapping exam.
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