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Everything posted by alando1

  1. @adrianin16 - Okay. As long as everything is included (ie: the read me text documents, the manuals, and any other important files that were packaged in the original zip files) it's all good :) -Alando1
  2. @adrianin16 - Sorry for the super late reply :( I have been very busy for the past month and I haven't had the chance to check up on anything until now. In regards to your question, would you be able to further expand on what Lutris is? Is this a program or a website? Also, would you be able to break down what is involved in this process? Just out of curiosity... -Alando1
  3. Hey guys, I have a new release of Operation: MDK for the newly released version of the Toby Accessibility Mod. Download link is available. Enjoy! :) -Alando1
  4. Hey guys, the Toby Accessibility Mod Version 7.0 is now available for download. If anyone has any questions or feedback, feel free to let me and my team know. Enjoy :) -Alando1
  5. It's a pretty cool looking monster. Kind of reminds me of the Kleer Skeletons from Serious Sam. If you want to make it more "chonky," I think maybe adding some horns to the skull, almost like how the Lost Soul looks (maybe use the Lost Soul sprites minus the flames). I think it might give this creature a cool look as well as a menacing aura. Keep up the good work :) -Alando1
  6. Those are really cool Lizard Men sprites! Could've used these for Temple of the Lizard Men :) -Alando1
  7. Hey guys, I have some exciting news! The Toby Accessibility Mod had won a Staff Award on the Doom Awards website! Check it out! I, too, would like to thank my team (Jarewill, Proydoha, & IllegallySighted), Toby Ott, dansg08, and a handful of other contributors who had helped shape the Toby Accessibility Mod into what it is today. Thank you all! :) https://www.doomawards.com/profile.php?id=MjAyMztzdGFmZjsxNQ== -Alando1
  8. @epg - Thank you :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. I, too, wondered why this wasn't getting that much attention, considering the other levels I had uploaded in the past had a handful of people giving feedback. In addition, I don't think anyone else ever made a Chanukah themed Doom wad before - I thought it would pique peoples' interest. After all, we've seen mostly Christmas wads throughout the community over the years - I figured to try something a little bit different. Thank you for the Chanukah wishes, too :) -Alando1
  9. Hello everyone, back in 2019, I put together a special holiday themed wad but, instead of it being Christmas themed, I've decided to create a fun, single level wad with a Chanukah theme. Since Chanukah begins this week, what better time to showcase this level than now. The premise of it was simple - Press 8 switches to gain access to the Blue Skull Key but, each switch you press will spawn in a wave of enemies. You get to choose the intensity of the battle! Even better, this level is compatible with custom weapon and enemy wads. For enemy replacement wads, though, make sure there are no monsters with a very large radius and/or height. Otherwise, have fun! Here is a slideshow with some screenshots: This wad requires any of the ZDoom ports (GZDoom, Zandronum, etc.) and the Doom 2 IWAD. I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy Kwanzaa! Also have a Happy and Healthy New Year! Best wishes to all of you and I hope you enjoy! :) ***DOWNLOAD CHANUKAH DOOM!*** https://www.dropbox.com/s/6p5f1m3zem4ms7y/Chanukah.zip?dl=0
  10. Hey guys, I have an updated version of Operation: MDK. Just fixed a tiny issue in one of the levels which could impact a blind player's progression. New download link available. -Alando1
  11. @BerserkerNoir - Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it :) Also, nice video. I'm not sure what the name of the song was. I had gotten the song from another Doom wad called "kk-build.wad" or "Building Hell." When I heard the music in that wad, I really enjoyed its sound. The wad might be floating around somewhere on the idgames archive. The wad was made back in the late 90s and had an update in 2000 or so (rough guess). While looking for it, this is the closest I can find (the up-to-date version): https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/kk-blddl Hopefully, it still has this song. @Riclo500 - Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it :) Nice video, too. -Alando1
  12. @tornado potato - Glad you've enjoyed it :) @Zahid - Glad to hear you've enjoyed it :) Would you be able to expand on the enemy placement critique? What monster types would be more fitting for parts of the level? Or how many of those enemy types would be more appropriate? By the way, I am not spamming Revenant or Arch-Vile, LOL. Thank you for the feedback. -Alando1
  13. Back in 2004, I began my journey building Doom levels. My very first map that I had made was called Tunnel of Terror. In the original level, it pretty much was a slaughter map where the player battles their way from Point A to Point B. Simple, straightforward, and amateurish. In 2020, I decided to recreate this level. Using the skills I had developed over the years, I wanted to see if I could give this old level of mine some new life. I present to you, Tunnel of Terror V2.0! In the zip file provided, it contains both the remake and the original level from 2004. I, too, will proved some screenshots showing the remade version. Hope all of you enjoy and have a Happy Thanksgiving! :) -Alando1 Tunnel of Terror Download: TunnelOfTerror.zip
  14. @adrianin16 - I appreciate the idea, however, I would not be allowed to capitalize on the TOTLM wads due to legal reasons. Since the TOTLM wads contain resources from games like Doom, Unreal, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and a few others, legally I wouldn't be allowed to make any money from them. I have thought about turning TOTLM into its own game but I would have to redo everything from sprite work, sound design, music, and textures. It's not something that would discourage me from doing it, however, it's the amount of time I would need to do all that. Perhaps in the future, when I will have the time and resources at my disposal, I may consider it. Thank you for the suggestion, though :) -Alando1
  15. @Firedust - I took a look at the glitch you pointed out and I did not encounter this issue. I tried to recreate the scenario and the powerup worked fine. I waited underwater for the 1st talisman to expire and as soon as it was expiring, I activated the 2nd. My player's health was fine. I, too, tested to see if the bug were to occur when the 1st one completely expired, wait a moment (and take some damage), and activate the 2nd. Both results were the same. I'm not sure if this might have been a one-off case of a strange bug (which it is possible) - perhaps it might've been the timing of when you activated the 2nd talisman. It is possible that it might've been timed just at the right moment for this bug to occur. I could look into it further but I feel this is one of those extremely rare instances. It, too, could be a bug in the GZDoom engine - It's hard to say. -Alando1
  16. @Firedust - Glad you enjoyed it :) I could take a look into the Talisman of the Depths glitch - That is a bit weird. Thank you again for the feedback :) -Alando1
  17. @Firedust - I looked into your inquiry and found the glitch you were talking about. Turns out, the key pillars are the old ones and I totally forgot to update them in TOTLM3 :(. The old key pillars were susceptible to a lot of things. What happened during your playthrough is when you entered the areas where the key pillars were, when you were shooting at the enemies in there, probably one of your shots hit the key pillars and that's when they vanished into thin air. I'm not sure why this glitch occurred in the first place since I gave the key pillars 10000000000000 HP. I took the liberty to replace the old key pillar scripts with the up-to-date ones which fixes this issue. I, too, have uploaded the fixed version of TOTLM3: Gold Edition and provided the link on the first post. Thank you for letting me know about this issue :) -Alando1
  18. @aloysiusfreeman - Thank you :) Personally, I would play the wads first since the book takes inspiration from the wads themselves. It'll make it easier to understand the story. -Alando1
  19. @Firedust - Thank you for the feedback. For TOTLM3, MAP27, I'll take a look and see what the issue is. If I may ask, what difficulty setting were you playing on and was the game running fast or slow? I know MAP27 can have issues on slower computers due to its size. Also, I do recall way back, the key pillars were sometimes little trouble-makers. Sometimes they worked, other times, they behaved weird. The strangest part is that it worked for some people while it didn't work for others - even when people were using the same version of GZDoom. The key pillars have always been enigmas to me... -Alando1
  20. @Widow - Hey there! Thank you :) I hope you enjoy it! Hope all is well :) -Alando1
  21. @Lila Feuer - You're welcome! Stay true :) -Alando1
  22. @TheMagicMushroomMan - Thank you :) @Lila Feuer - I'm glad you enjoyed my Alandoguns wad. I know people had a love/hate relationship with it. Some people were pretty nasty to me but, it was a good learning experience. In fact, I embraced the negative dialogue people had and used it as a means to grow thicker skin. As someone who had been a victim of bullying, even though people had mean things to say, some down right cruel to be honest, I know that deep down, they're going through a difficult situation in their own life and foolishly dump their problems on other people. I went from being a punching bag to a concrete wall. There was a rap song that was released about 3 years ago or so called "Names" by Tom Macdonald. To be honest, I usually don't get emotional when listening to music, especially rap, but with this song, it reminded me of my journey through life dealing with bullying. Simply put, don't let the hateful words of others hurt you. Be the best version of yourself, treat others how you'd want to be treated, and stay true to being a good person. If I had listened to all those haters and gave up, my other projects wouldn't have come to fruition. -Alando1
  23. Hello everyone! As many of you know, the Temple of the Lizard Men series has had a long run from 2009 - 2020. Temple of the Lizard Men had gone through many changes throughout its history and it has always been a pleasure to work on this series. After my announcement that Temple of the Lizard Men 5 would be the final installment of the series, that didn't mean Temple of the Lizard Men would fade away into the background. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce the Temple of the Lizard Men novel! From DOOM wad to book, Temple of the Lizard Men can now be enjoyed in a book form. The story takes inspiration from all of the wads within the series so, many of the things you'll read in the story will sound familiar. From locations, to characters, to weapons, to items - you will not be disappointed. Novel details: - 148 Pages - 2 stories packed into 1 book -> The main story and a bonus story that starts on page 139. - An exciting and engaging story line with elements of science-fiction, dark fantasy, high-octane action, adventure, and a good dose of comedy. I, too, will be having a special E-Book Promotion starting on November 1st and ending November 3rd where the E-Book version of the story only will be available to everyone absolutely FREE. Even if you miss this offer, fear not, the E-Book costs $2.99. Amazon will not allow me to make this book free all the time so pricing it low would be the least I could do. I want everyone to be able to enjoy the story just as you have enjoyed the wads all these years. Thank you all for your love and support for the Temple of the Lizard Men series. Hope all of you will have the opportunity to get your hands on the Temple of the Lizard Men novel and enjoy it. Physical copies of the novel are available, too, if any of you are interested. Here is the link to the book on amazon.com: https://a.co/d/idOpmka -Alando1
  24. @VentoliN13 - That's a lot of mods you got running there. I would put the Toby Doom Levels first (at the top of the list) since I have a Cybruiser in the level set. It is possible that Project Malice, too, has a Cybruiser in there but the sprites may be ordered or labeled differently OR the Cybruiser I have in the Toby Levels overrides the Cybruiser in Project Malice. It could be either scenario. Let me know if that resolves the issue. -Alando1
  25. @ConMan3222 - Awesome - Glad to hear things are working well. If there are any other issues, don't hesitate to ask. :) -Alando1
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