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Everything posted by Cutman

  1. Thanks for the feedback, I wasn't sure if the final room was too much or not. I'll see what others think. Btw out of curiosity why do you need a UMAPINFO to record a demo?
  2. Should we add anything else in the wad such as UMAPINFO or is it safe to assume anything extra will be stripped out? Assuming we don't have a choice of sky and are just going to use the default for the episode, I think the only thing I added in mine was par time. Edit: Uploaded mine without the extra lumps. Here it is again if others want to test it. Map20 - Et Tu! - CutmanMike - Completed - v1.4.zip
  3. That's up to the project leader I suppose. By pasting both Doom1 and Doom2 map in the same level while working (with the texture pack loaded), doombuilder gave me a "palette" of used textures to choose from. Also handy to get a quick reference of the maps in 3d mode. I'm weird and enjoy restrictions when it comes to making stuff so my map only uses textures seen in both maps.
  4. My map could easily be converted to limit removing if wanted, I started it out as a vanilla level (because I too thought it made more sense given the premise of the project) but later thought screw it and used voodoo dolls. It just makes things a lot easier especially with scripting fights. I interpret it as, you can only use resources found in the two base maps of your level. So if neither map had a certain texture, monster, item, you could not use them in yours.
  5. Yeah I get that, it's just that first timers have no idea where they're getting flamed from. I thought it was from the silver UAC thing at first for example. Plutonia hides the archviles underground so they can resurrect but can't hit the player, if you wanna go for that approach.
  6. I've got some feedback for you: You can get trapped if you stay next to the yellow door after the lift goes up if you don't have the yellow key to get out. I found a few missing textures. The lift next to the megasphere and 2 revenants (see first screenshot). The others are minor but lowering the stair case you can see multiple missing textures from the back sides (see second screenshot). The secret teleporter that leads to the invul fight probably needs its line flipping as you can stand on the teleporter (see screenshot 3). Only had two real gameplay niggles: First, the two hidden archviles are a bit unusual as it's hard to figure out where their attacks are coming from initially. If you're going to keep them, maybe change the wall texture to gore or something so players know roughly where they could be hiding. Second, and I know the original did this too, but in the plasma secret if you fall it seems you can't escape. Not game breaking but some players may find it a bit annoying if they find it late into the map.
  7. My first draft of my map used 2 keys but I later found out I only had access to a single yellow key. I had to alter my design to instead use a switch that visibly showed what it was opening, perhaps you can do the same with your layout instead of using another key.
  8. I liked this one a lot. My only beef is: Also getting down into the giant arena (east) is very difficult if the mancubus end up blocking the lift. I was playing with mouselook so I managed it but without it I would have probably been forced to squeeze down and die. I would maybe make the lift a bit bigger to allow mancs to come up or use a monster block line or something.
  9. Wow, this is actually really cool. I love seeing vanilla de-makes of wads and didn't expect someone to try it with Ghoul's Forest 3. But who am I kidding, this has way more effort put into it than I did with the original, calling it this de-make is almost doing it a disservice. I'll have to share this around, good stuff.
  10. Pretty much done, give it a go. I added mapinfo but wasn't sure we're doing with the sky, so I just replaced the Doom2 sky with the Doom 1 one for now. You won't need the Doom texture resource wad to try it as I didn't end up using any Doom 1 textures (both maps mostly share Doom 2 textures).
  11. I did, seems good so far. SSG being that far in is ok imo. I saw the cacos and went elsewhere which got me the rocket launcher first which I assume is the intended progression.
  12. I was going to try this but the file is triggering my Windows defender. Maybe upload the raw wad instead?
  13. Almost done, just testing and tweaking now (E4M9 and MAP20 for reference). Didn't know what to do with the sky yet so I used the Doom one.
  14. I don't have any in game screenshots to show yet, I'm trying to get the layout down first before I add details but I'm almost done with that. I'm going for a MAP20 "you can do this level multiple ways" style.
  15. Hello, I would like to take Map20 Et Tu! (e4m9 and map20) if possible. Switcheroom 1 and 2 are two of my favourite megawad concepts, I'd love to support more mashup megawads. I also like map20 a lot, should be fun.
  16. Thanks, I'm surprised I never managed to block the first Revenant teleport in all of my testing. Also noticed a few more bugs watching that, but probably won't reupload the map now until I decide to put it in a map pack or something.
  17. Thanks. What port did you play that in? The middle area is meant to fill up with blood when the Cyberdemon appears but didn't seem to happen for you. It's not game breaking or anything at least, just wondering how I can fix it.
  18. I've been making mods for Doom for more than half my life, and yet I've never created a "normal" Doom level. I usually edit maps in the UDMF format so going back to vanilla without texture offsets for top/bottom/mid was a rude awakening. I also opted to use Doom 2's stock textures to keep me honest. Took me a couple of days and I had a good time, so I might try this again someday. Tested with GZDoom and PrBoom+, Doom 2 format (but has MAPINFO for sky/map name changes). Doom II iwad required. Music is from the Ultimate Doom Midi Pack, composed by Lippeth. Difficulty settings implemented. UV should be spicy enough for veterans but maybe not too difficult. Download
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