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About Cynical

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  1. Finally, an update. Rough mix of track 2 from the upcoming album.
  2. Fallout 1 is the best game here, IMO. System Shock 2 starts great, but then you hit the Rickenbacker and... yeah.
  3. Depends on where they were. In Japan, the culture has always been "one credit, if you game over, you don't continue." Most "experienced" arcade-goers in the west did the same thing, since it lets you get a lot more playtime/credit; continue-heavy play has generally been the domain of kids and casuals. Again, simply not true -- tons of classic arcade games only show you the ending if you do it on one credit. Even ones that are derided as "quarter munchers" frequently are this way; for instance, people say the Capcom brawlers were quarter-munchers, but Final Fight only shows its "true" ending if 1cc'd, and you can only see the final stage in Shadow Over Mystara or Battle Circuit if you've 1cc'd to that point (and Battle Circuit has some more criteria on top of that which you have to succeed at). One-credit play was always the expected "norm" for Japanese arcade developers. There are arcade games that have generous health and only one life (the Capcom D&D brawlers both come to mind), but there are also plenty of games where dying once will typically end your credit, even if you have multiple lives. For instance, if you die in a bad spot in Final Fight, you're frequently going to just get killed immediately on your respawn, and in a lot of classic shmups, the power-loss from one death means that recovery is essentially impossible.
  4. Doom gives you a generous lifebar, so one mistake won't game over you in nearly every case. People beat Capcom arcade beat-em-ups on one credit, and some of those are over an hour long.
  5. If you've been hanging around threads such as the Doomworld Megawad Club, you've probably seen people referencing it, but you might not be familiar with the terminology the Doom scene uses. "FDA" stands for "first demo attempt", but that's a bit misleading; it's not the first time you try to record a demo on a map, but rather, it's recording a demo (which, by definition, means playing without saves) the first time you ever play a map.
  6. Are you completely unfamiliar with both demo-running and the FDA scene? Seamless play has been the "standard" in many circles for most of Doom's life, and blind + saveless play is quite common in some quarters.
  7. They're about the same, at least on Nightmare. People make too big of a deal of Eternal's difficulty, you just have to remember to cycle through all of your cooldown abilities.
  8. You know the community has lost its way when this question isn't answered with "Asylum of the Wretched".
  9. Hello i notice that you are not on Doom wiki, trying to find the names of your maps

    1. Cynical


      Golachab and Impure Offering.  Filename for the latter was impoffer.wad

  10. Cruelty Squad. Holy crap, this game rules, which I'd have never expected from a one-man indie thing praised by a lot of hipster sources!
  11. Could well be; last time I played with Rebirth would have been over 15 years ago.
  12. SS2 EE, from my understanding, is basically going to be SS2 + SHTUP + Rebirth without the topless Cyborg Midwives + improved multiplayer coop + VR support.
  13. Going back to an older post here, but this bit from a 2018 Q&A is worth reading: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148660&p=2387992&viewfull=1#post2387992 "However, I approved the proposed changes in scope after receiving positive feedback and a verbal commitment from a publisher to fund the game and the new design we submitted. We promised a bigger, better game and we were told that the game was going to be funded beyond the amount we raised on Kickstarter. Unfortunately, that deal fell through 7 months later for reasons we are still not clear on. To put it bluntly, we were left high and dry after making crucial, consequential changes in staff and scope." In other words, we actually got confirmation from ND themselves that abandoning what was pitched in the KS to attract funding from a publisher was the goal. ND straight-up attempted a bait-and-switch on the backers, and we're *really* lucky that they didn't succeed (or that the project didn't die when they failed, which was the most likely outcome; the result we got might be the first evidence in recorded history to support the idea of a benevolent universe).
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