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About Hobbs

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  1. I lacked anything better to title this thread, and since the end result will probably be the same no matter what I title this thread I figured, why the fuck not? Anyways, now for the banworthy bit, I am leaving doomworld, the doom community, and etc. Maybe not all of it, and maybe not forever (though undoubtely this place is a forever), but yeah, I'm gone. Something about needing to get my priorities straight or some other such crap. I can see you all asking "Why do I care?" I hope you don't, I just felt like writing this shit down. Neways.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. deathbringer


      Sctually i think this is THE classic Mattbratt post:

    3. Lüt


      rofl, not even close.

    4. printz


      deathbringer said:

      Sctually i think this is THE classic Mattbratt post:

      I got an idea: release them both! So everyone can see their speeches. Not only the Doomworld leaders.

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