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About doomedwarrior1981

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Link is temporarily disabled anyone have another link to the mod after watching Icarus's video I really want to play it
    in the wrong category this belongs in the Doom2 section
    Pretty good level great monster placement missed a few secrets though I found 2 out of 5
    Really good level only played the first level as the second has a co-op exit. The first level is a really good designed city level for 1997 and it is very challenging especially at the beginning with all the imps teleporting in and you with only a pistol very highly recommended.
    Not bad it actually does to an extent also look like Victorian London really good especially with no custom textures
  2. doomedwarrior1981

    Alley Cat

    Really good level RIP Espi
    add two stars if you like slaughter maps I don't so this gets a two from me. I only gave it two stars for the cool music. otherwise this would get a one I'm not a fan of wads like HR which is probably why I don't like this level.
    Not bad hate the cyberdemon though the rest of the level was really good
  3. doomedwarrior1981


    a word of warning this level becomes ridiculously hard for non Doom Veterans after the Blue key door also never could find the secrets the normal way. It was fun up till the blue key door
  4. doomedwarrior1981


    way too hard level design is good but really what good is a well designed level if the player can't beat it unless they are a Doom god which I am not add 2 stars if you are
    4 stars for the new music and graphics however the levels aren't that good for example in one level I couldn't find out how to get to the yellow door so I had to clip to get out of the level I mean I had the key but the elevator button wouldn't make the lift go high enough so as a result I had to cheat. Monster placement wasn't that bad though
  5. doomedwarrior1981

    a big job

    really good design very brutal though
    Not bad really good gameplay
    not bad large level maybe a little too easy for veterans
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