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19 bizhes! O_o;
19 here in Canada is like 21 in the USA...drinking age. <3
I don't intend to go around getting drunk though.
Happy birthday to me?- Show previous comments 5 more
You will soon find fucking faggot losers on the internet will try to tell you how significant your bday is.
Taking it from a buddy of yours on the mainland, come over here, and I'll show ya a crazy time downtown vancouver. Fuck these people that see otherwise. Being the legal drinking age of 19 in the province of BC is a very significant passage of your life.
Fuck the cunts that tell you otherwise, I may have said shit in the past. Doesn't change the fact that you're a doomer and deserve a doomer celebration. Unless you want ball lickers to tell you otherwise.
Fuck them bwahaha, unless you're a fuckin pussy. -
I've never been more personally offended by hockey players.
I can't believe this. That's 3 more hockey players I'm adding to my "Hate List" along with Brett Hull, Todd Bertuzzi, Darian Hatcher, and Chris Chelios.
"OMFG, let's try to cure autism and wipe out some of the most brilliant minds known to man."
If we had no autism, then we would have no Isaac Newton, no Bill Gates, no Albert Einstein, no me, and quite a few people on this site would be gone, too. What's funny is that there's a really really high chance that those hockey players or their wives (or both) are autistic themselves, as it is hereditary.
I wish they had left an email address by that author, because I really want to write an angry letter to them. Perhaps the Athletes Against Autism site would be more helpful...
Man, what bullshit.- Show previous comments 28 more
I blame the Discovery Channel. Anyone who watches that for a few hours a day will start to believe they are an expert in everything.
Ralphis said:
You are one of those assholes; The way I see it, you're one of these people that talks about how things are impossible just because at the moment it doesn't seem possible. Well I think everything is plausable by looking at how much we've accomplished in the past 100 years alone in medical sciences.
I never actually said it's impossible, just that we might never fully cure the condition. We might be able to, or even prevent it from happening, but even then, there would always be the chance for someone to be born with it. That's true even today. We have cures or vaccines for the chicken pox, but people still get it. Our best bet, until we know the cause, is to try and find ways of treating and helping people who have it. That is already happening and seems to be helping.
I believe we shouldn't jump the gun on this and claim victory before we really know. Some people believe that thimerasol in vaccines has caused autism. It is quite possible, but there currently is no established link between the two. Vaccines today have either lowered levels or absolutely no thimerasol in them, and children are still born with autism. People will still argue that it causes it no matter the evidence, which is what I mean by jumping the gun. I believe there is an increase in it because we can diagnose it better.
It's quite possible that we could find a cure, maybe even tomorrow. However, some have claimed victory when we don't really know. Others, either unwittingly or intentionally, "prey" on families who are suffering with an autistic child and claim relief through alternative practices that make dubious claims. In the end, it seems like we forget the actual child when looking for the cure. Their needs come before anyone else. We shouldn't subject them to a hodge podge of different "cures" in the hopes that it might help them when it might do more harm. The best we can do is to use proven methods that help these children and allow them to live more "normal" lives where possible.
I'm very concerned for both the parents and children. I don't want them getting hurt in their search to cure a condition that might not have one (yet!). They might become disappointed or frustrated and feel like failures. Having autism or bearing a child with the condition is not a failing of anyone nor is it wrong. It's simply something that happens. The best thing we can do is to learn and manage it and help those with it.
The situation surrounding autism hits very close to home because I have ADHD, which is similar in some ways. I'd have to live with people calling me a failure or claiming I am just making excuses for things I can't help. I've had people claim they know what's best for me and that I should or shouldn't do this or that. I've had people tell me that it doesn't even exist and that I should buck up (not that I shouldn't anyway, heh). Some of their advice has done more harm than good.
I've learned a lot from that. People claim you can outgrow the condition or that it can be cured, but there has been no proof of that. I've felt the same way and had the same problems my entire life, even with medication and therapy. It doesn't go away when you ask it too. It doesn't even go away when you confront it and know it's there. It might be the same situation with autism.
That's why I'm cautious when people claim it can be cured. It has nothing to do with impossiblities. Even if we found a cure, it might not go away overnight, as it might take more therapy and treatment to relearn and forget how they have lived or thought for most of their life. I doubt you would forget how it was to be autistic after a cure. I know I can't forget any of my problems, even when I know what they are. -
I've been thinking about my avatar as of late. I wanted to have something with my Caco-Cola in it, but I figured it's way too large (100x100) and doesn't really suit me. Since a lot of people use cool Fish avatars, I got the idea of building my own Fish, based on my beloved roofles avatar.
I just wanted some opinions on it, because if I do ask for a custom avvy, then I don't want anything shitty. Here's the fruits (or lackthereof) of my labours:
EDIT: Whoops...I guess it should have been in Blogs. My express apologies/thanks to the one who moved this. -
This marks the first post of mine after my two-day stint (thank you SO much for making it short...I swear that mistake was dumb and will not happen again) in Losers and my first in Blogs.
I've been saving for a long time now, and I've decided to get a new compy for Christmas! I've made a list of parts, but not prices (so I have no idea how much this'll cost...but I'm guessing about 3.5-4 grand Canadian) of what I'm going to use. Props to my friend Matt for going through this piece-by-piece (damn/thank him and his 2-Year Computer Systems Degree!) and to Comiclez for shouting at me for 5-10 minutes about keyboards and mice.
I'm going to use this computer mainly for media stuff (uber TV/DVD viewing, music, burning, etc) and DOOM (I'll finally be buying DOOM3, since this puppy will be more than capable of handling it), so bare that in mind as you read my list of parts.
I'm half looking for advice on my selection of parts, as I have not taken any financial steps toward this computer as of yet, so it's not too late to change anything. I don't want to be making a really dumb move on a machine I'll be relying upon for 3-5 years solid.
Without further ado, I present to you, the list of parts for my new computer!
UPDATE: after an hour at a great compy shoppe, I fixed the list and got prices on individual parts. Between tomorrow and Friday I will have a few package deal estimates. Please note all prices are in Canadian funds.
Making sure it is upgradable of course.code:
EDIT: I'm quite possibly getting a 3.0GHz AMD Processor and a Gigabyte Motherboard, with room for another Processor (meaning I can get something like a 4-5GHz Dual-Core in addition to my current one a few years down the road), and I'm probably getting a second Hard Drive (120GB) for just my OS and such (kinda like partitioning, except a seperate Hard Drive, so things will run faster), and I'm not getting Media Centre, just a TV Tuner for my Vid card. My RAM may not be DDR2, but plain 'ol DDR instead.
Things are still up in the air as of now.- Show previous comments 63 more
Avenging Angel said:
All sound great, except why a $1200 monitor? If you have a flat panel tv at home, you could also use that.....as most flat panels(17") are around 200-300 U.S. nowadays, unless you want the ultra sharp digital quality one that is.
All the TVs at home are crap...and we don't have any flatscreen. This monitor will be far better than any TV in the house, plus it has a max resolution of 1900x1200.
Avenging Angel said:True, Blood, but alot of the smaller drives are either slightly harder to find than the larger drives....or are more expensive due to low production/supply/availability/etc.
Yeah, that's why I'm getting a 160GB. The others are more expensive because they're pretty well discontinued. The newer huge Hard Drives are fairly cheap until you go beyond 250GB anyway.
-_DLD_- said:
All the TVs at home are crap...and we don't have any flatscreen. This monitor will be far better than any TV in the house, plus it has a max resolution of 1900x1200.
-What? No 2048xwhatever? Lol. j/k with ya, man. GL with that system.
Yeah, that's why I'm getting a 160GB. The others are more expensive because they're pretty well discontinued. The newer huge Hard Drives are fairly cheap until you go beyond 250GB anyway.Agreed. I tried asking another guy from some tech support place how small the drives the company carried were. I think he said like 60-80GB at the time, and that was a YEAR ago.
Csonicgo said:that's the thing. I didn't. Some of us aren't as fortunate to have 4 TB of video memory.
Voodoo2 owns all your asses.Don't you mean 4 GB of regular memory? 1 Terabyte is 1,000 GB dude. Lol. Also, even in SLI mode, no two video cards in mass production (combined) equal more than 1GB of vid. memory.
Voodoo 2 is sweet, btw, but Geforce FX series is sweeter. Too bad I can't get a 6800 GT. ;)