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About Craigs

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    The only idiot here besides Csonicgo
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  1. So the title pretty much sums it up. I picked up a copy of System Shock 2. It cost me a pretty penny but I gotta say, it's worth. Other than the cargo bay (fuck that part. FUCK THAT PART AND FUCK THOSE GOD DAMN SUICIDE BOMBER ROBOTS SO GOD DAMN FUCKING HARD), it's a pretty damn good game. Anyway, I heard that coop for this game was awesome, and I was wondering if anyone with a copy would be interested in trying coop out. If you're interested, let me know if you've got a skype account. It'll make communication (i.e. screaming at you and crying everytime you take something I want) a little easier.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. ReFracture


      I love that.

    3. Khorus


      Craigs said:

      Best line in the entire game: "Nah."

      Cool. I.. don't agree with that line though. :p

      What difficulty did you play on? What skills did you grab?

    4. Craigs


      Khorus said:

      Cool. I.. don't agree with that line though. :p

      What difficulty did you play on? What skills did you grab?

      IIRC I maxed out strength and standard guns. I also put 4 points into energy weapons and 3 points into agility so I could use the laser rapier. Also 4 points in endurance, 4 points in hacking, and two points in cyber-affinity. Also I went with the cyber assimilation trait

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